Jun 27, 2005 22:06
so now my friends, it is time to weigh in on a situation
today at work, a female collegue of mine called me over to her desk, she, adriean, told me she was going to ask me a very personal question. my thoughts, "oh god, not another person who thinks i'm a lesbian!!!" anyways, she asks me if i'm seeing anyone and then goes on to tell me that she would like to see if things would work out between her friend damian (sp?) and myself. damian is adriean's cosmic little brother and apparently, people mistake them for siblings and boyfriend/girlfriend etc. she's about in her late 30's i'd say, and married with a cute kid. anyways, she goes on to tell me how damian is this adorable 24 year old, who has just bought his own house, and is looking to meet someone. she tried to get him to come to lunch at work last week and told him to look "fuckable" and that she had a surprise for him but alas he couldn't make it because he works 2 hours away (but lives closer?). i found out about this situation today (apparently she's been planning this for awhile). so anywho, adriean wants me to meet him casually (without him knowing she's trying to play match-maker)and then try to get us to go out. apparently he's really shy but ends up being everyone's best friend once they get to know him. she said she chose me because i'm "sweet" (bwaha! yes!) and he is looking for someone outgoing. she said it was solid in her mind when she heard me talking about monty python (I SO SAW SPAMALOT THIS WEEKEND IN NEW YORK!! OMG SO AMAZING!!!) damian is apparently quite the mp fan as well. (grr : )) i told her i'm up for it. : ) she's trying to get him to come over to work for lunch so we can meet. no pressure right? crap, rejection alley anyone?!?!? eeeee. this could actually be a lot of fun.
now its your turn, lemme know what you're thinking... advice!
btw: not telling rents, they might freak out, if things were to happen, i would tell them then, no sense worrying them over a meeting at work.