Back in November I mentioned that I wanted to post more about my immediate family because so many of my friends know nothing about them. Then, on her 29th birthday, a friend posted 29 "random fabulous" things about herself. What a great idea! So, in the spirit of her idea...
15 Random Fabulous Things About My Baby Sister...
Arita Lynn Acton
1. Arita was born around 12:30 a.m. on February 15, 1993, in Wenatchee, Washington.
2. She has long, dark hair and mysterious blue eyes. At 5'7"--and still growing--she has officially outgrown Mom and all three older sisters.
3. She loves to read! Some favorites: the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling, the Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer, the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini, Inkheart, Airborn, the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, The Diary of Anne Frank...
4. Arita loves to play the violin and viola (and some piano too)! She is a member of the Wenatchee Youth Symphony. The picture here is from her first solo recital last fall.
5. Her favorite color is purple.
6. She is a passionate writer and is in the process of writing her first novel.
7. She loves history...her favorites are medieval, Egyptian and ancient Roman history.
8. When Arita was really little and would get upset with one of us, she would angrily call us "bucklucks". I don't believe we ever figured out what "bucklucks" were. Another memory I have her as a really small child was her complaining that the car was "smokin" when it was stuffy and warm from sitting in the sun.
9. Arita has grown up without any sort of television reception but enjoys watching things on DVD. Some favorites: North and South, Pride and Prejudice, Lord of the Rings, While You Were Sleeping, Last of the Mohicans, Oscar, 24, Smallville, 4400, Alias, Gilmore girls...
10. She's really friendly and likes to meet new people--definitely more of a social butterfly than her older sisters.
11. Arita has never attended public school (except for one day with a friend).
12. She has lived her entire life in the same house on Blewett Pass, near Leavenworth, Washington.
13. Favorite music: Il Divo, Joshua Bell, Bee Gees, Mario Frangoulis, Celine Dion, Hall and Oates.
14. She loves to attend dances and serves on her churches regional dance committee.
15. She's an amazing sister...we love her immensely!