YAY!!! *is happy*

Oct 06, 2004 12:23

So I'm very, very happy because Dave B. got married. Dave is a friend of my dad's, both of them are pilots and Dave lives in Eastern WA but today he got married! So I'm really happy for him cause he's like an uncle to me. :)

*groans* there's so much info for my biopsych class. We've got a test coming up too. Ah well. And I still need to figure out what I'm doing my history paper on and what possible sources I'm going to be using by monday. And there's a math exam coming up too.

So Ana did you re-interview yet? When will you know if you got the job? And what about interviewing at that other place, still not gonna take it because its a similar company? Crappy jobs suck. :(

Suz, congrats on the good test score. :) that's really awesome. GO SUZY! woohoo!

Jaspenelle are you still at the same job where you were training or are you looking for another one already? ...cause you mentioned getting more applications.

Well I'm going to get some studying down now, and find some food for lunch.
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