I started writing again last night. Its weird, Ill get inspired and write all night, and then not think about it again for months. I was originally intending to do a series of peoms about people I knew, but I lost my inspiration really quickly. Besides, there are some people whom it would be difficult to summarize in one poem. There is just too much to say. As a matter of fact, the best poem in the series is about someone I barely know. Strange but true. I thought about posting some of it, but I dont know. Maybe the internet is not the best place for things like that.
School was good today, not too much work, went by fast. The whole day was pretty good. Im still suffering from my usual post-separation grumpiness, but other than that I have no complaints. Oh and I actually ate a home cooked meal today for the first time in like, ever. It was excellent. I am so sick of pizza.
I have a sneaking suspicion that people are trying to spare my feelings. Dont. Its not considerate, its just patronizing.
Thats all there is, there isnt any more.