All Smiles, originally uploaded by
She fell asleep in the grocery cart tonight. Not in the grocery cart, because I am not a bad mother, but in one of those baby seats on the cart.
I like that she does fall asleep in the seat, and that I can buy myself grape soda (don't ask me, I just listen to my stomach's desires) and cookies (okay, and lots of vegetables) in peace. But those seats are only good up to 18 pounds. She weighs about 15 and a half right now. Two and a half more pounds before she has to sit in the cart seat.
That doesn't seem safe somehow. And hey - they put BELTS on the seats now to make them safer. There were no belts when I was a kid. There were no infant seats either, and the government didn't think you needed to be in a booster until you were eight... but maybe those are all good things. Because people can be idiots, and telling them to protect themselves isn't as good as making it a law.