A toast to tylenol

Nov 25, 2005 18:05

PDR_0271, originally uploaded by ztifhael.
Marah had her first round of vaccinations today. It was... well... she cried in the car because she was hungry, then, after she fed, she slept for three hours, even during a move from bed to baby chair. Then she woke up and screamed. And screamed. And screamed. And refused to eat. And screamed. This went on until the tylenol for the mild fever she'd developed kicked in.
Then, she slept again.
But not before I called Bill and got him to come home from work to relieve my ears.
Marah's otherwise doing very well - she's in the 97th percentile for her length and her skull circumference, and the 90th percentile for her weight. She sleeps six hours at night, from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m., to which the doctor said, "I'm glad. A lot of babies do it early in the evening and the parents get no benefit."
Yeah. We have an essentially perfect baby.
Next time, we go see the hole in her heart and how well it is closing. I'll see if I can get a printout of her heart. That would be one for the scrapbook!
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