Oct 24, 2005 14:54
Bill, being half-French Canadian, comes from a long line of faithful Catholics. At least on one side. The other side is Scottish, aka cheap Presbyterians. He has a great-aunt who's a nun (Soeur Angele-Marie) and an ancestor who's been beatified.
The point? Pope Benedict XVI sainted a bunch of guys today. No women. No Canadians either. And this ancestor of Bill's, something Durocher or Roy... Sister something or other (I really paid attention... but there's a school named for her in Montreal) co-founded an order of teaching nuns and then some student prayed to her after her death and good things happened.
Very saintly, right?
And hell, if she does get sainted, I'm related to a saint by marriage. And Marah has a relative who is an actual honest-to-God saint.
How many kids can say that?
Here's hoping the next round of new saints will include a French Canadian. It's not like the Catholic church couldn't use a boost in this province. Last year, I bought a genuine piece of Mother Theresa's veil (okay, like a tiny shred) in a medal for a twonie. Two lousy bucks! In change even! Catholicism is getting to be low rent.