So, the new style is up and running.
It's Scratches S2 for you LJ folks which you can grab
here I think I'd like to get a custom header in here as well - that'd look slick I think.
Wordpress themes come with the feature built in, and I think most Wordpress stuff looks cleaner and that their platform is generally more customizable but you've got to pay for custom CSS over there. I've got one as sort of an online résumé thing, but I think it's best to leave things like that looking at least somwhat normal. The thing I like about Wordpress is that you can set it up like a website without really breaking a sweat and learning a ton of code and custom stuff. They've made it really usable.
But like my old Yahoo! e-mail address, I'm gonna hold on to LJ. It may not be as hot and treny and full of features as some, but I've had it for a long time because it works, it's free, and even with the occasional update stays stable and consistent and doesn't decide to radically change the way it works and what it provides to it's users (unlike some more prominent
social networks)
Even though I'm part of a number of these "social networks" I have no desire to connect them as some have. You can get Twitter to update you'r Facebook status and get your blog to post into your Facebook notes. But why? I mean, I guess your average teenage blog / twitter / facebook user isn't or doesn't want to bother with something so aniquated and stuffy as an RSS reader, but I digress. I like to keep my stuff drifting and unconnected. It's easy enough to track us all down thanks to the ever devouring hive that is Google. Fortunately there's a guy with my name who's an actor trying to get his name out there.
I've also taken to using
ScribeFire for most of my efforts. However like Azureus, it's becoming too heavy and feature-full and I may veer away from it if it continues to progress in that direction. I don't need it to do probably 2/3 of the crap it can, but I suppose if I was a professional gear reviewer, car driver, news funnel (which is all most blogs are), or some kind of useful information vendor, then I would appreciate these things.
I've also be giving consideration to
Squidoo. They generate income from ads and who knows what else - if your stuff is awesome and get traffic, you get a cut and they donate the rest after opperating cost. They'll also donate your cut to the charity or NPO of your choice as well. Not bad. I like what they've got going, but I can't really come up with any thing I can offer the internet in terms of e-Bay sales (which is a considerable portion of their "
lenses") or revolutionary ideas that I'm willing to part with.
Just throwing some stuff out there for the sake of it I think.