
May 29, 2013 14:19

I miss my laptop.

In this technology-ridden culture, practically every device imaginable can do something fancy. The iPod, iPad, smart phones, HD TV's ... everyone of them can connect with this program or that one. Surf the internet, check your email, confirm appointments, send pictures to your mother and her dog, all while cooking a romantic dinner for two and getting the kids ready for bed. Unfortunately, not a one of them can do EVERYTHING.

Unless I want to stay chained to my big home PC all day (which, hellllooooo four kids here, I can't), I find myself flitting from one to the next, hoping to get something done and ultimately failing.  :-(  I get so frustrated my only recourse is to do the dishes.  Sure, it's something responsible and productive, but ... blegh!

Somebody find me a money tree, so I can have my dear friend, the laptop, repaired and I can stop chasing my virtual tail. 


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