As Sebastian says "Under the Sea"

May 08, 2007 18:52

Woke this morning feeling lightheaded and as if I were living under water. I called in sick and went back to bed. Woke my husband who happily took the kids to school and then slept till 10a. Woke still feeling very stuffy and sleepy but glad to be home. Did not do a whole lot of anything but took a walk with the boys when then got home to the beach with the dog, made dinner which was truly only so/so and I had such hopes. Made lists of things to do. We would like to put a deck on the backyard, nothing fancy and very simple but it really depends on money. We have to put a roof up and get the driveway fixed as well so I am not sure yet.
My husband got a call tonight that he is back to work tomorrow YIPEEEE!!! I am very glad. We are not sure for how long but I am truly looking forward to it. We really need the money and it is good for him to be working again. Although he was just really getting into the swing of projects around the house however it did not pay him anything so again I say YIPPEEEE!!!!
Husband and children are now all at boyscouts which will be ending soonish. I am still debating whether or not I want to avoid all activities this summer and sign up again come Sept. Any opinions?
Ok I need to brush the cats and do the dishes and then I beleive some WOWing is in order.
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