Oct 19, 2007 07:31
Casey said it: "The only thing you ever really get upset about is theatre." And he's right. It's really one of the only things that really gets me that worked up, or that ecstatic, or that emotional, or that passionate, etc. etc. All throughout my undergrad career so far, I've sharpened my intellect with classes that I've enjoyed more than I think I could ever enjoy any class; psychology, intellectually, is definitely my #1 thing. It's taught me so much about people, our world, and even myself. I feel wiser having studied it. My experience in the theatre department here at OVU has likewise sharpened my perspective of and my passion and love for performing, and my experience in the field of psychology has been so incredibly supplementary in the concepts of character development, expression, etc. that I don't think I could've picked a more perfect discipline to study along the side.
Performing, plain and simple, is my passion. I am not boasting. But I am talented; I'm comfortable; I'm motivated and hardworking; I persevere in tasks that I begin; I do whatever I'm doing with a passion and a fervor that I wasn't even sure awhile ago was even possible of little 'ol me. I am empathic; I understand.
So that's what I'm doing. For all of you who wanted to know where exactly my life was heading at this point, all I can tell you definitely right now is that performing is who I am and what I do, and I'm not going to run from that out of fear of the unknown anymore. It's about time I stand up for the talent and passion I've been given and just do it with confidence, because heaven knows I'll regret it for the rest of my life if I don't.