Feb 12, 2005 10:51
OK-well, joe and his g/f went to the valintines day bell and he made bobby go and bobby had an extra ticket so i went with him and we all had a good time besides matt cuz he was made cuz his sumwat g/f was hanging out with her ex-b/f and he was really made. me and christine danced alot-prolly more than she and joe did. i had fun dancin with her though. we had a moment ~yay~ then we left and i watched a movie. ummm 2 morrow im havin my b-day party and alot of ppl r coming ~even ppl i dont want to be therr~ w/e so that was wat i did. oo and greg is mad at me for sumptin and he wont talk to me and wen i talk to him he says ":/" and i i dunno wat hes talkin about kk ~bye~