Jan 20, 2005 21:25
Can someone tell me....if you have an online blog or journal or even photo album, do you HAVE to intend on the whole world seeing it? just because you're online, does it mean that EVERYONE IN THE WORLD can be your friend? please, someone tell me, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH BEING ONLINE, WITHOUT THE INTENTION OF MEETING NEW PEOPLE??????
all of you who are on my friend's list know that i'm a friendly person, a good friend, outgoing, etc. i dont' even need to reasure myself of that. but the thing is, i already HAVE really good friends. i already HAVE a boyfriend who i care a lot about and treats me phenominally. so is it really fucking necessary to accept with open arms all the strangers out in the internet?
seriously now, the internet is a CONVINENT way i keep track of the FRIENDS I ALREADY HAVE! yes, i would like to make new friends, but i WILL NOT DO IT ONLINE!!! i have had bad experiences which is none of your damn problem. for those wondering, however, let me just pose for you a made-up scenario. lets say some little girl did have her little online blog, met a bunch of people online, was having a lot of fun with her new "friends" etc... and one day, she wanted to meet one of those people in person. well why not? they seemed so nice and fun online? and if she had that much fun with them online, why couldn't she have fun with them in person like she does with her friends from work/school? so she meets the guy and he's great, until he RAPES HER!!!! WHAT THE FUCK THEN? should she never go online ever again in her life???? now i'm not saying all people online are creapy rapists, no, not at all. i have had friends who have met friends/boyfriends/girlfriends online and it worked for them. i was happy for them for meeting someone they liked. but it does not mean i have to do it as well. call me old fashioned in that sence, but when i make a friend, i like to look them in the eye, shake their hand, and tell them about me. call me what you will, but why bother having a problem with it?
but if you have a problem with this random girl keeping online journals for the sake of her friends she already has, it is not that girl with the mental problems, but the people who think that just because i go online, i am a "friend"-slut to be sharred with everyone else online. and you know what? i DO keep personal journals, on paper, for my eyes only. but for my friends in southern california, colorado, europe, etc etc, it is REALLY FUCKING NICE to be able to share my life and thoughts with them through this valuble resource i like to call the internet. but i'm sorry, that doesn't mean i'll be your friend. that doesn't mean i have mental problems. and just because the internet happens to be a good way to meet people, it does NOT FUCKING MEAN that i HAVE to meet people while i'm on it.
i think i am done with my ranting for now. and since this is MY online journal, i'm aloud to rant as much as i like. in fact, that's what this is here for (not JUST making friends!!) and just like the tv and the radio, if you dont like it, you can turn it off. if you have problems with any of the above, why dont' you go write it down in your own journal or little online blogger, where you and your many "friends" who care so much about it, can read it. i'm done hearing about it.