No complaints?

Oct 29, 2009 04:06

When I watch documentaries of life in poor countries, I always get the feeling I should not complain about my own situation.

My cats have more food, water, warmth and affection than many human beings in the world today.

My worst complaint was when playing full on in Age of Conan, raiding five to six days a week. When you raid the game bosses drop armor pieces, and usually you need five to six pieces for a complete set.

Those are pixels clothes on a pixel body but also show how much time and effort you have put into the activity. With 12-24 people to share with in every raid, and each raid only doable about once a week, it can take months to gain a complete set of armor.

In Age of Conan, I had been raiding for several weeks and only seen one or two drops for my class.

While killing game mobs for cash late one night, I complained about it to another guild member, a friend. As soon as the words had left me, I realized what I was talking about.

- Oh my God, I said, there are people starving out there and I'm complaining about not getting an imaginary piece of armor.

My friend laughed and agreed.

It was good getting some perspective on things. Since that day I have worried less about my imaginary armors.
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