More Tombraider Anniversary

Apr 05, 2007 02:35

Have watched the 4-5 trailers of Tombraider Anniversary that's out on YouTube.

The new game looks smashing, with the more difficult jumps and acrobatics that I expected from Tombraider Legend.

It will be fantastic fun to traverse the familiar places, Vilcabamba, Tihocan's Tomb, Khamoon, Natla's mines, the great pyramid, with improved motion range and game play!

I love that they have remixed the music from the original game, as that was one of the best things with the original. The new opening theme is indeed lovely and appropriate.

I also like that they have left out Lara's two helpers, even though they were fun. There was something about the pondersome and slow progress in the original game, walking slowly through the silence of the abandoned tombs waiting to be attacked by panthers and mummies and mummified panthers and panthered mummies et al., that made for some solid scares and quiet, nervous atmosphere.

No wonder my friend couldn't and still can't play the game when she's alone in the house.

It was the silence that did it all

It was the silence that did it all, the brooding quiet with the only sound to comfort you the noise of Laras steps as she slowly made her way through the corridors, occasionally interrupted by the whistle of cold wind blowing through the empty rooms or short and startling sound effects.

I think it was that scary aloneness that kept me playing and playing and playing. Not having cool music or lighting effects to accompany your slow progress through the tombs emphasized how strong nerves Lara had to dare brave those places alone with only her own skills to rely on.

She was tougher than any male game character.

With the higher tempo of the new game and more frequent music, I doubt they have managed to keep the creepiness. Also, something about the detailed environments, which makes everything clear and bright, instead of the pixelated low-res images of the original, will also detract from the scare factor, even in the flesh covered last levels.

Only the original will really keep me on my toes and my heart in my throat.

Digital Jump Festa

The new game will be a real action jump festa where I will really feel like I'm doing what I love, running heedlessly around hopped up on adrenaline and puzzle solving and great graphics and that silky smooth zen feeling when motion and thought and intent melt into one and every twitch of the controller possesses a significance all on its own.

Just like in the video here, beautifully performed by a tester who apparently knows the levels like the back of his hand:

with trashy dance music, notice how the tempo of the beat corresponds with Laras motions. This demo makes me believe in magic too:

and with the original German commentary, if you like:

-the most charismatic game demo I've seen in a long time.

Yes, they have given Lara kiai like shouts when she's working hard, that's very appropriate.

Now, if only the T-Rex will scare me as much as the first time, when I startled so much my hold on the controller slipped and I scrambled to get a hold of it and it fell clattering to the floor. One of the few times I've screamed during a game. ^__^

Mmmmm, yes.

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