Open letter to the car...

Jul 15, 2008 12:45

My dear sweet automobile,

On the whole, we've had a pretty good relationship, haven't we? E and I have taken pretty good care of you, and you've generally been pretty good to us. We even got you a brand-spanking-new engine at one point. And that little bit of oddness with your transmission a few years ago, which replacing that seal seems to have fixed. Not to mention new brakes and so on.

So, I just have to ask you, dear heart...WTF is with draining the savings account less than two months before E and I go on vacation? The blower fan and the wheel bearing were bad enough, but I have to say that the follow-up with the ignition coil was just masterful. At least you had the good taste to refuse to start at home, and not while we were out somewhere. I suppose that if you were really pissed at us, you'd have done it at Costco...right AFTER we bought a bunch of meat.

Still, this was Not Cool. If you do this again, we will have words. And it will NOT be pretty.


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