I don't think I'll be switching....

Jun 11, 2008 15:39

To 4th Edition D&D any time soon. For one thing, I don't want to re-buy all the books. For another, we did buy a 4th edition Player's Handbook just to check things out, and so far there are just too many things I don't like. Some of it I could house rule, to be sure, but why should I when 3.5 doesn't include those things?

Granted, I haven't checked it out in detail yet (been too busy with schoolwork), but so far I'm not impressed.

Where to start??

TIEFLINGS AS A CORE RACE AND HALF-ORCS AS MONSTERS? Way to cater to the EVIL IS KEWWWLLLL crowd, Wizards. Same deal with Warlocks as a core class. No thanks.

For the record: I do not allow evil PCs in my games. End of story. As my husband says, "If I wanted to see the bad guys win, I'd watch the news." I play D&D for escapism.

Anyway, that's just a few random thoughts so far...I suspect I'll have more as I get the chance to check the book out in more detail.


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