Nov 13, 2005 23:10

Well, today i did some interesting things
I've been awake for faaar too long.
i thought i must tell the world..
Today i looked up the word choad with nell.
We found out that alot of people are in controversy over the word.
Some people think it can be used to describe anything.
others think it's a noun for a specific member.
Some people think it just means penis or area around penis.
others think it describes length and width.
The word choad dates back A LOOOOOOONG time.
in india the word choad is slang for FUCK.
So, Linguists believe that it came into english
throught the british when they tried to civilize the indians..
And we must all exalt ghandi for that time period.
I might update about my weekend later.
For now i sleep off my headache..

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