(no subject)

Nov 03, 2005 08:49

So okay,
Let me update the world.
I'm good yo.
This hurricane break has been fun.
I can't remember any dates tho.
First it was just hanging out with my fam.
I love them shmoes.
Bonfire, Monique, Stars, NO electricity, barbecue, the whole gang.
It was good fun!
Then Lauren and Leese call me at like 10.
So the tell me..
"Whitney, do you want to drive a car and make 60 bucks?"
So of course I'm like SHOOORE
I stay the night at laurens.
We wake up at 5 30 in the morning
and her mother takes us to my house.
Where we forego walking inside and head to the bus stop.
God damnit it was still dark outside!!
So we get on the bus thinking the metro is not working
and it was going to be a long grueling bus ride from like,
the 88 to the 555 to the something something to the s
all the way down to the last stop.
But, when we get on the bus the man says
"The metrrro rrraaiirr is rruning forr frrree"
So we praise halleluyah!
So we take the bus ride and end up at eagles national bank
Where we get assigned cars and head out to the gas station.
My car smelled like old nasty lady and it had alot of nasty shit in it.
And NO music.
W/e I called to my friends at BIG
So we wait in line for hours.
Finally we get to the gas station.
Where I forget to put the car in park
and it starts rolling backwards as I'm getting out.
The Gas men had a good laugh at that.
I got paid my sixty dollars and went to aventura for a brownie.
then we got a ride to T&C with nick.
He's a funny guy let me tell you.
Nell meets us and we go and hang out.
Robert stole my skateboard.
And broke his foot on it.
Smart man that robert.
Daniela spends the night at my house
Where we get all hallucinationated
What an amazing night
Great Great Buddha how we praise you.
Daniela comes with me to dance.
and then I kinda don't remember what happened after that.
Some how i think she got home,
I don't know what i did that night either.
I just remembered what we were planning to do for halloween.
Oh yeah that's what happened.
Her and i got home and began playing with costumes.
and planned to get nell to the beach.
so the big beach day comes.
Nell gets to my house, along with
Lauren and Emily.
We get to katrina's and julie arrives
Then we head out on the bus that we didn't think was coming.
We get to 85 and julie and katrina are dexxing there faces off.
We meet frank halfway, woop.
so we get there and I immediately change into something more comfortable.
All in all it was a fun night.
Everyone seemed to have the fun they wanted.
Except the guy that threatened us.
Daniela and Coffey found eachother.
and geuss what??
Lucy got Lay Lay.
You know what I mean
Lucas had ***
YOu knwo i just can't say it.
It's too hard
to unfathomable for words.
But it happened. I sat around and played with
i argued about tuburculosous with this insane chic.
and then in the morning we bused back to Katrina's
Where me and the gals got picked up and then they got piked up.
And then Daniela and I tried to watch a movie but we ended up sleeping.
Long nights will do that to you.
Then i chilled at home to recooperate for school
and here I am in 2nd period updated for lack of something better to do.
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