Sep 15, 2007 17:53
Why am I so totally, utterly, completely unimpressed with Heroes? I bought the DVD set in the hopes of, you know, becoming interested in it, and I'm NOT.
Everyone says I'd like Hiro, but I find him so painfully gooberish, I end up looking away during his scenes because he's such a moron... (Unfortunately, having watched Tenchi Muyou! In Love, I'm very acquainted with the words for "space-time continuum" in Japanese, so I can't escape the dialogue.)
I saw episode 1 and I'm not at all impressed... I find it ironic that the mainstream audience thinks it completely rocks even though it's a show about freaks and the fact that they can't deal with their powers (God, listen to me, I'm banality incarnate RIGHT THERE), and it's practically a roleplayer's/nerd's/reject kid's wet dream -- it's a show about superheroes! On TV! In a primetime slot! OMGwatchoutthecomicbooknerdswilleatyou -- and people LOVE it.
Why don't I?
I'll force myself to watch episode 2 later...
a day in the life