Drabble Tag Here, Sunday the 22nd at 3PM EST

Feb 22, 2009 00:08

Well, it won't be here in this particular journal entry, but simplytoopretty  and I will be hosting a game of Drabble Tag on my journal later today (since it's after midnight my time), from 3PM EST to 5PM EST.  Drop by for all or part of it.  Contribute as a writer, a reader or both.

More extensive guidelines will be posted with the game, but basically Drabble Tag works like this...

A prompt is issued.  The first person to respond to it with a drabble gets to issue the next prompt.

The last time we played the drabbles were primarily Smallville/Chlark, but there's nothing that says they have to be.  No promises, but this time the game will be tagged as Explicit Adult Content in case anyone's muse takes them in that direction.

There will be a winner this time, but it won't be for writing drabbles.  (They're rough drafts written at the spur of the moment and should not be judged on quality.)  In Drabble Tag you wrack up points by commenting, so put on your reading glasses and win a game.

See you all later today and be ready for some fierce drabbling.


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