Dec 08, 2004 15:25
So, I slept TEN HOURS last night... all I can say is, HOLY COW! That was nice, but I still woke up sleepy, got too much. I woke up at 5, fully capable of being awake, but went back to bed, because what am I really going to do at 5 in the morning? Had the last physiology lecture, last physiology lab, and last anatomy lecture today!!! Brett and Tim (in my phys lab) crack me up, I'm going to miss them (well if I get into the program, I hope Tim does too, then I won't miss him, I'll see him all the time. One good thing about the athletic training program! ;) I should be studying right now, but it's hard to make myself do anything on Mondays and Wednesdays when I have all my classes... So I'm just going to chill. I need to just chill sometimes. I think I'm going to restore my computer again right now, because it sucks... so here's another little survey thing to do! Sorry, I'm bored!
current mood: restless... I don't want to study, I just want someone to call me, but I'm not betting on it...
current music: Laguna Beach in the other room
current clothing: jeans and my Central hoodie
current hair: still straight from last night... been up all day, but i just took it down and it's getting long!
current food: well the string from my shirt is in my mouth... but no food
current drink: nothing at the moment, i want some water though
current taste: this string doesn't really taste like anything...
current smell: cocoa butter
current worry: school/the boy
current annoyance: my computer... restored again a few days ago, but I think I will do it again because it won't download my anti-virus software or any of the updates correctly
current hate: my neuroticism
current love: CMU basketball
current crush: one of them
current obsession: launchcast radio on my yahoo messenger
current wish: if i tell then it won't come true
current plans for tonite: life group, it's our Christmas party, gotta find my elephant gift!
current thing you should be doing: studying... 3 exams this week, and 5 next week :(
current regret: being a chicken, but it will all work out in some way someday... too bad it's like a month before I'm certain I'll see him again.
current lyric stuck in head: You make me beautiful
You make me stand in awe
You step inside my heart, and I am amazed
I love to hear You say
Who I am is quite enough
You make me worthy of love and beautiful
current book: i refuse to read books at this moment, i should be reading physiology though
current favorite book: 14,000 things to be happy about
current TV show your watching: listening to Laguna Beach
current favorite band: Casting Crowns
current favorite movie: League of their Own
current person your talking to/IM: noone
current avoidance: studying
current jewlry: necklace that I always wear, and Rose Rowdies rubber band that I got last night for my 5th game > workin up to 12 so I can go to dinner with the team!
current favorite word: dimples... can't help but smile everytime i hear it
last movie watched: League of their Own
last tv show watched: Laguna Beach
last cd listened to: Jeremy Camp - Restored
last thing eaten: cucumbers from my salad
last thing you drank: water
last item you bought: food
last store you went to: "Let's Do the Dishes" - paint your own pottery store, just to look, I'll actually do it tomorrow!
last person talked to: Tashi
last thing you said: how crappy open relationships are
last ice cream eaten: Orange Cream frozen yogurt swirled with Vanilla ice cream
last soda drank: orange pop
last person you called: Meaghan
last person that called you: Katie
last time showered: yesterday, I haven't done crap today
last shoes worn: my nike tennis shoes
last website visited: this one?
last cry: my eyes watered while listening to a beautiful sad song on cmt today
first memory: i don't know
first best friend: Casey
first serious boyfriend/girlfriend: uhh that would have to be Chris
first real breakup: same
first job: Orthopaedic Rehab Specialists :) can't wait to go back! 12 days!
first self purchased item: who knows
first funeral: my great-grandma Mary is the earliest that I remember, but probably my great-grandpa Sherwood
first love: nope
first credit card: Kohl's card, then my Fruit Loops Capital One card, then the Old Navy!
first time on a plane: never been on a plane
first time out of the country: never been out of the country either, I need to get out more!
first detention: in elementary school for something to do with recess
first real fight: Amy Allen beat me up in 5th grade
first enemy: I don't think I have liked Mike Raymond since I kicked him in the baby-maker, didn't kick hard enough though, cuz he's got some out there