people-watching is lovebrought to you by the
isLove Generator
How perfect for me is that??? Yes, I am a habitual people-watcher. And I love it! I love the people I see, and how familiar they get to me. I rarely see people I know or want to see around campus, but I see those same strangers all the time. Okay, on to the happenings of me.
Monday: Monday sucked. I had three exams and 3 1/2 classes (one class I took an exam and still had to learn stuff afterwards). I did amazingly well on both the anatomy lab and lecture exams, I will find out about nutrition in a couple more days. So I was basically a zombie on Monday. You were lucky if I smiled at you. And if you were the unlucky person that I felt the need to be mad at Monday morning for no valid reason, I'm sorry. I love you, and I'm sorry I get annoyed at the little things... they're just little. They don't deserve any attention, but it was easier than being mad at myself for my lack of preparation, motivation, and for my perpetual lateness.
Tuesday: Got to sleep in! I don't remember how I spent much of the day... Oh yeah I ate lunch with Jacki before she flew off to Maryland! She is wonderful! I had to be at basketball at 6 for the 7:30 game. Meaghan and I ate dinner then headed over there. The boys beat Valpo in an awesome game... It was packed, the Rose Rowdies were definitly uh... rowdy for lack of a better word in my tired vocabulary. After joking that I could just skip the two Wednesday classes that weren't cancelled and drive home, I got back to my room to recieve an email from my physiology professor informing me that lecture was cancelled so we could travel safely. (Sorry for that huge long sentence). So I was still really pumped up from the game, and much more awake than I would be Wednesday. I packed and left for home at 11:45 pm. Scared my mom a bit when I walked in at 1:15 or so in the a.m. But it gave me a chance to spend a few more hours at home and not have to drive in the snow.
Wednesday: Slept in... and slept in my bed for the first time since school started. (I've been home 3 or 4 times, but I've slept at other people's houses, mainly my sister's). Woke up and talked to my mom about all the redecorating and changes she's making around the house (everytime I go home, something is different, or we have a different number of animals). She's got big plans, some really cool ideas... let's see how that goes. I made her go to the bank with me and to Pearle Vision to show her the glasses I ordered. Yeah, Pearle Vision in Jackson does not have the same glasses as Pearle Vision in Mt. P. But they do have a pair that is exactly what I want. It was the first pair I picked out when I looked a long time ago. I thought they had the same pair in Mt. P, so when I tried them on in Mt. P, I just thought I didn't like them as much as I thought I had. But I come to realize when I get back to Jackson that they're a completely different shape in the same color, by the same people. GRR!!! So if I end up not liking my glasses which are coming in the next couple days, I will try to figure out a way for Mt. P. Pearle Vision to order me the frames from Jackson Pearle Vision. I hope it will work... Then I went home and did absolutely nothing. It was me-day. I talked to my mom a bit, looked on eBay for a futon or bed for next year, spent some time in the hot tub (while it was snowing! I loved it!) and went to bed.
Thursday: I'm dreaming of a white... THANKSGIVING. Yeah since when does southern Michigan have tons of snow on Thanksgiving? family-day.... too much food, lots of football. My nephew is amazing. He's running all over the place, he speaks (okay if you say "oww" when he hits you, which he does quite a bit, he'll say it back. That's one of the only distinguishable words he says, but he says a lot of things that I can't understand). He's absolutely adorable, it makes me sad to think that I will only see him randomly and during summers until he's like 7. Was very excited to watch Drew Henson back on the football field. Brings back lovely memories of his days as a Wolverine. Me, Bobby, Carrie, and Mom played Euchre, and then Carrie and Bobby went to a friend's to play Hold 'Em (Carrie won 50 bucks) and I got to babysit! Ok, I got to put the kid back to bed when he woke up feeling not-so-good, and then go to bed, and wake up to Grandma's amazing apple pie and some ice cream... The joys of staying where the leftovers are.
Friday: friends-day... Well I tried to get ahold of Casey Thursday and Friday, but that was a no-go. So I called Ash and invited her to visit Amanda at work with me. I love the Spoon. We met for lunch and had some great breakfast. We were there for quite a long time. It was great. Great food, great conversation, great fun, just great. Then hours later, Amanda and I went to Outback (big surprise, what else is there to do in Jackson?) and Target (another big shocker, I know). Amanda had to wake up at the butt crack for work Saturday, so she went home, and I went over to Ashley's to hang out with her, Emilee and Nikki. I needed that. Besides my family, Amanda and Casey, I haven't spent time with anyone in Jackson in the longest time, and that's just wrong. There are amazing people from high school that I need to see more than once in a blue moon, and I haven't been making any effort. I pass it off that everyone's too busy (myself included) or has someone better to spend their time with than me. All I have to do is call someone, it won't hurt a thing. I got home a little before 3 and went to bed.
Saturday: back to Mt. P, basketball calls. Drove the nasty rainy drive back up here, and spent some time with some of my favorite guys. They beat Saginaw Valley. There was only one other athletic training student besides me instead of 4, so it was nice to be able to talk to her and get to know her after wrongly having such a bad image for the last couple week. Noone is perfect but I need to start treating everyone as if they are. After the game, I called my uncle to realize that they were at the Silverdome for the Bullock Creek-Lumen Christi football game (my cousins go to Bullock Creek). So I had some time to kill, and decided to go to the casino. Good choice. I won $265 dollars! So here's the story: a few months ago, I put one quarter into this Blazing Sevens machine. With this machine, if you put one quarter in, you have to have the bars to win. If you put two quarters in, you have to have sevens to win. Well I put one quarter in, and get 3 Blazing Sevens. If I had put two in, I would have won 1000 quarters. Royally upset. So, everytime I play a few bucks on that machine. First machine I went to Saturday... I kept going back and forth between one and two quarters. After like 5 tries, I put two quarters in... and get Blazing Sevens! I won 1000 quarters! Then I go around and continue killing time and broke even with the rest of my quarters, so I left with $265 when I went in with 20 bucks. Then I drove to Midland and pulled into my aunt and uncle's driveway seconds after my cousin got home from hunting. We watched TV, then the rest of the family came home from the game, in which Lumen won the state championship, I was not surprised. Those Lumen boys... hehe. Me, Erik, and Amy decided to tag along with Danny and his girlfriend on their trip to Mt. P to watch Christmas with the Cranks. Funny movie. Got back and went to bed pretty late again...
Today: church with the family (Aunt Phyllis, Uncle Chuck and cousins Erik, Danny, and Amy). That was great. Then we ate lunch, awesome to have some more home-cooked food. I need to go there more often. I played cards and bop it with Amy, then drove back to Mt. P. Most of my day here was spent lounging around and watching TV. Katie and I went to B dubs because I'd never been there. Good stuff! We played the trivia game for the longest time. Then I came back and watched the last half of Noel (this Christmas movie with Paul Walker, Penelope Cruz, Susan Sarandon, and Robin Williams in it... pretty good stuff). Then it showed it again right afterwards, so I watched the first half. There was a really good-looking guy in the first half, but when I looked at him all I could see was Tony. Tall, dark skin, eyes, & hair, handsome, the dimples, the smile... Good movie. Then I had to decide to write in this crazy thing. Sorry I wrote so much, but it's been awhile, and I left a lot out too! Now I'm going to bed. Tomorrow should be a million times better than last Monday. Again... sorry for the long one!