Stolen from
wurstcome2worst LEGEND:
♥ - Nothing to neutral. People he doesn't know or have any emotional connection with.
♥ - Acquaintance. People he talks to occasionally.
♥ - Friends. People he talks to on a daily basis.
♥ - Close friends. People he trusts enough to confide in.
♥ - Crush. People who are subject to his infatuation.
♥ - Love. People he truly, deeply loves, be it in an intimate way or through self-made familial bonds. A # indicates actual familial bond. (Doesn't include counterparts)
X - Pests. People he generally dislikes.
X - People he considers threats.
crossed_by_iron w3bm4ster freedomfists ♥♥♥♥♥
be_like_brother herzenderrache aryanbitch sothisisunity glitteringdoom #
prussian_pet ♥♥♥♥♥
nochrysanthemum ♥♥♥♥♥
prussian_pet glitteringdoom #
oberherrschaft #
ichbinkeitz #
failgrenades sacrum_iuvenis #
glitteringdoom #
prussian_pet ?
awesome_army londonbombing grantpermission XXXXX
je_suis_maquis crazyknifeboy prohibitiongang . . .I'm missing people, aren't I. I am. Lemme know. I'm in the process of cleaning up his journal, so.