[It's a bird! It's a plane! Just... what the hell is that? While some people get brought into the village, this guy apparently got put up on a tree branch overlooking the river. And the minute he woke up? He fell down. Into the river. And by all the spluttering and flailing, you might be able to guess that the
fiery blue phoenix thing (now looking quite bedraggled and wet despite the seeming appearance of flames) can't swim. You'd be right. He can't swim at all. This just isn't his day. Anyone want to help a phoenix out? Maybe there's a legend about drowning phoenixes granting wishes about to come true right before your very eyes. You never know, it could happen.]
Gaaarghrrbllaack! [Gurgle. Splash. Flail. This can't be good for his health. Any journal replies will come after he gets out and finds the book.]