Ok I just got up from a nap - during which I had a dream that I was in a post-WWII alternate universe video game.
It was one of those weird things where you start out in the real world - then go through this door which opens into a corridor - there are people bustling around and there are notices and paper all over the corridors. Follow the people (except this group of scary tall women all in different color, black hair and no faces - scary bitches) corridor opens up into a kind of new-age metro system all the floors move and a speaker announces happily that making a train wait for your arrival may possibly end it death. Anyway, after being inspected by a douchey official who thinks your a foreigner since you have $5, you get on this train/pod thing. End up in a shady, city apartment-esque housing place. Find yourself (from following the person on the train who kept looking at you) in a cramped meeting house from the resistance. There are people fake-battling with swords on the floor - walls plastered with maps and information and thumbtacks. It's small and everyone drops everything when the door opens. There are tons of clothes and things for quick identity changes.
Anyway, in order to return to the "Real world" you had to have something in your pocket from the real world (mine was my one-card). Apparently the resistance fighters expect quite a few people from "your" world to show up and help them fight.
It was... interesting.
Today (last) day of work was great. They gave us donuts. I got a candle from my first teacher who hugged me - then the second one gave me a card the class made "Thank you for helping us read and write more. Ahaha oh kids ♥ Then the principal gave me a mug. Yay!
Probably going back for the summer and hopefully some days next fall - I definitely want to stay with the teachers I have right now.