Aug 13, 2009 20:05
Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)
(six or more points suggest an abuse problem)
*Questions have been re-phrased slightly
1. Have you drank coffee for reasons other than medicinal use? (this is not applicable)
2. Have you abused prescription coffee? (this is also not applicable)
3. Do you abuse more than one type of coffee at a time? Yes + 1 point
4. Can you get through the week without drinking coffee? No + 1 point
5. Are you always able to stop drinking coffee when you want to? Yes
6. Do you abuse coffee on a regular basis? Yes + 1 point
7. Do you try and limit your coffee use to certain situations? No + 1 point
8. Have you had blackouts or flashbacks as a result of coffee use? No
9. Do you ever feel badly about your coffee use? Yes + 1 point
10. Does your spouse ever complain about your involvement with coffee? Yes +1 point
11. Do your friends or relatives know or suspect you drink coffee? Yes +1
12. Has coffee use ever created problems between you and your spouse? Yes +1 point
13. Has any Family member ever sought help for problems related to your coffee use? No
14. Have you ever lost friends because of your use of coffee? No
15. Have you ever neglect your family or missed work as a result of coffee use? No
16. Have you ever been in trouble at work because of your coffee use? No
17. Have you ever lost a job as a result of coffee use? No
18. Have you gotten into fights while under the influence of coffee? No
19. Have you ever been arrested for unusual behavior as a result of being under the influence of Coffee? No
20. Have you ever been arrested for driving while under the influence of coffee? No
21. Have you engaged in illegal activities to obtain coffee? No
RESULT: 8 points.....Addicted