Jun 06, 2006 02:06
Hiya everyone, im am currently in España at a computer lab at the semi school type thing that i attend here. so far things have been pretty fun. we´ve seen lots of really famous artworks, museums and palaces and stuff. picassos, monets, goya, and valazquezs galore. pretty much every night we go out and find some place to drink or hang out. last night we ended up at some african bar. it was pretty awkward walking in there with nothing but black people there...all staring at us, but after a while everything was cool. the owner even bought me and others shots. my spanish is getting better now that i get to use it more, and i understand a lot more. there is a group of like 36 of us and we all get along, which was unexpected. some of the girls hate some of the other girls, but that is totally to be expected. all the guys are really cool and im pretty sure they all know im gay by now, so that issue is out of the way, they even pull the¨´´hey i dont want to offend you or anything but can i ask you a question´¨ which is then followed by some random ignorant question about gay people. i love it though, cause the less ignorant i can help someone be, the better. we start official school tomorrow, im not really worried about it, and on thursday we leave for our weekend trip to barcelona where there a bunch of really cool architecture. ill try to keep this thing updated, but as usual, no promises. i hope everyone is doing okay, talk to yall laters.