Jan 24, 2015 08:57
Woah, the last time I write in this blog is September? That's four months already! And I wasn't legally finished my school at that time~ Didn't even finish my school yet I think. I finished my undergraduate degree at 30 September and the graduation ceremony was November. Anyway, it had been a long time~
Yowamushi Pedal 2nd season started! Before, I watched them real time, but this season I don't. No reason. Maybe because I already knew the end... not the end, who wins and how. Of course because I read the manga. But, still, I'm excited to see the C Part. XD Kuroko no Basket 3rd season started too. I watched season one, season two I haven't yet, season three I think I will. Akashi Seijuuro, he is the cause. A friend of mine said that she has been reading plenty of Kurobasu fics and I decided to read some too. I thought I will enjoy AoKuro as much as I enjoy ZoLu, but I'm wrong. I fell for Akashi instantly and enjoy AkaKuro as much as I enjoy LawLu. Is it because the person behind Akashi and Law, I don't know. But yes I enjoy them, now. It may change someday, who knows. I don't know about Kurobasu, but there is still Kidd. Haha :D
Btw, my blogger seems to get weird... The header wont load. Some of the pictures in some posts wont load too. I thought it was because of my connection but when I checked it wasn't. I wonder why. I hope blogger will fix anything happened soon :(