FANFIC: Unknowable Perfection Ch. 2

Oct 28, 2011 10:44

First, TOTALLY unrelated to anything, but another group at work wants to hire me! :D I'm still a contractor but I get a substantial raise and I can start on Tuesday. I AM SO RELIEVED. OTL Job hunting suuuucks, especially in this economy.


NOW, on to the actual meat of the post... Still not sure where this story is going (I feel like it's becoming the dumping ground of my love for Alan and Tron lol) but oh well, it feels good to get my creative juices running again.

Title: Unknowable Perfection (2/?)
Fandom: Tron
Author: Lomelindi88 (firebird_88)
Rating: PG
Characters: Tronzler, Alan, Yori, Sam, Quorra, Lora (maybe)
Pairing: Established Tron/Yori, implied Alan / Lora, Paternal!Alan and Tron
Synopsis: Against all odds, Tron / Rinzler is found after the events of Legacy. It takes a group effort to bring him back. Tron and Alan-centric, with a healthy dose of Yori.

(I thought he was so beautiful. I didn't realize that he was built to look like you.)

fanfiction, job, tron, fanfic: unknowable perfection, life

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