Movies and actors and... stuff...

Jul 09, 2007 20:19

Ratatouille was soooooo cute! <333 Not as funny as I expected, but the plot and the speed and the animation is just GREAT. Rats are going on my top list of painfully cute animals now. (Don't get me wrong though, the movie did have its funny moments. It wouldn't be Pixar if it didn't. ^^)

Strangely enough, my brother got VIP tickets to see the fifth Harry Potter movie on Tuesday, a day before it even comes out. I don't quite know how he managed that but I'm not going to complain. At least I get to go miss work! :p Hopefully, the movie will be better than the book. I really hated emo!Harry... X_x And I get to see Jason Isaac as Lucius Malfoy again! Jason is my hero, I swear, he's the epitome of badass-ness in every movie I've seen him in. (I'm still hoping that he'll somehow get the role of Thranduil in the future "Hobbit" movie. :-/ *prays*)

Oh, and Craig Parker (Haldir of Lorien in Lord of the Rings) is officially my new actor obsession. (YES, I'm aware that I have quite a few. Shuddup!) First off, he's just a halarious guy --he does comedy acts with Mike Ferguson (Gil-Galad and Witch King) at all these conventions/shows and they're just unbelievably funny together. Second, he played three awesome roles in Xena,  a show that I'm not afraid to say I used to watch religiously. Craig is INSANE, but so is Mike. A good way to describe them is that they're pretty much the complete opposite of their characters and they're just lovable because of it.  Also, Craig can do the coolest voices --his voice is all smooth and silky as Haldir, but on YouTube I saw him at a convention playing Gollem and doing a SCARY-GOOD job. Him and Mike do a lot of "Who's Line Is It Anyways"-style acts where they have to finish each other's sentences. Cracky stuff, man, I love it!

Oh, and I love how people call New Zealanders "kiwis." XD

lord of the rings, movie, actors

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