Wait. What. I saw references to this on the APH community, but I didn't know it was real.
UK wants out of the "special relationship".
D8 I... I think that's a load of BS. Sorry, BBC. I normally love you, I swear. They just don't like the terms "special relationship" because it may damage their relationship with other countries, but,
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Plus, I don't know what they're worried about. :/ I don't think any of the other countries care about the special relationship outside of the US and UK.
Added bonus: said tourists tend to also not give a shit about our revolution, but think it's interesting bits of history.
I asked this really awesome couple once, and they pointed out so much crap has happened since such as the stuff in India and whatnot. They actually giggled at me for asking. lol
Nah, I'm sure it's a bit refreshing. We also have a lot more diverse things, including natives and whatnot. Obviously a lot of it has directly to do with their history, soooo...
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