Raise awareness for climate change and green energy. Turn off your lights from 8:30-9:30 pm YOUR TIME tomorrow, March 27, 2010! A BILLION people (I kid you not) observed this last year in 80+ countries. We can do better this year!
There's a lot of new people on my f-list, so just to clarify, this is not a joke or a little tiny movement. Earth Hour is now observed in thousands of cities in 120 countries (including all 50 US States) as well as by 1,200+ landmarks (including the Sydney Opera House, Bird’s Nest Stadium, Great Pyramids, Eiffel Tower, Niagara Falls, Mount Rushmore, and the Golden Gate bridge). All of these places are going dark for an hour tomorrow!
Also, Earth Hour is officially recognized by the U.N. now! 8D You can find information here:
And for those of you that missed last year, here's the invitation for 2009 (haven't found 2010's 'cause I've been lazy). ^_^
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