Epic Win for Google!! ^(^_^)^

Jan 13, 2010 14:13

For anyone that hasn't heard about it yet, Google found out that hackers (it's implied that they're probably government hackers, although no one knows for certain) have tricked human rights activists in China to open their gmail accounts to the public. The company is now threatening to end its censorship of its search engine in China and to leave entirely.

The Chinese people, although many are sad to see Google go, are suddenly showing amazing amounts of support for the company's decision. People are sending flowers to Google offices all over China, and apparently there's also a picture online of a Chinese man bowing to a Google office in a traditional gesture of respect.

;A; I'm so proud!

Here's an article about all the flowers/pictures/messages/Twitter replies Google offices are receiving and here's a general article from Yahoo. Also, Yahoo is now showing support for Google's decision.

EDIT: On Wednesday, Google.cn said its top search term of the day was "Tiananmen," possibly due to Web surfers looking for material on the government's violent crackdown on 1989 pro-democracy protests. The No. 2 search topic was "Google leaving China." YES! I know the Massacre there is overemphasized in Western culture, but it really is such an important part of modern Chinese history and the people deserve to know. T_T

china, current events

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