Alrighty. *rolls up sleeves* Kurokiiro Festival update! (Kuro Kiiro? However it's written. We just call it KKF.) There was a decent number of people there --more than the staff expected, I think-- and it was a great load of fun despite the fact that I mainly just hung out with my Hetalia group and we wandered around aimlessly. By the way, sorry for anyone on Facebook, you've probably seen most of these already.
First off, the highlight of the con HAS to be
thepatches dressed up as a cracky!Edward Cullen from Twilight. She put glitter all over her skin (but you'll have to see the big pictures to believe it). xD I LOVE YOUR SENSE OF HUMOR, PATCHES <3
And this girl made EVERYONE'S head turn. She was just very slim and well-built and amazingly well-dressed. O.o SO. HOT. Every time she walked past our Hetalia group we just went dead silent and stared. We couldn't help it, she was HOT. D:
Best Hunny EVER.
And for anyone that wants to see all the other cosplays (I don't recognize most of them, but I did shoot a lot ^^; ),
here you go.
Okay, anyways. Onward ho to the Axis Powers Hetalia crack. (Skip if you don't know or like APH. ^^;) WE HAD SO MUCH FUN, CLEARLY. xD We got a photoshoot with
thepatches outside and got a ton of love from everyone else inside. Russia was definitely noticed the most 'cause he's... well Russia (and also the tallest). People kept running up to us wanting his picture first before they realized that the rest of us were there. xD
I think maximum we had 7 countries:
me - China
xxaemiliusxx - our epic America
Brittany - our ghetto!England
Noah - our incredibly terrifying accurate Russia
Kasy - Chibitalia ("grown")
Nicole - Chibitalia ("chibi")
Frank - HRE
??? (dunno her name) - ancient Hungary
Okay, first off, serious pics! (We don't have all that many, most of our stuff seems to be pure crack. You'll have to skip further down for those though.)
America: "Everyone is MY support! Even Panda. And Chibitalia--Waitaminute..."
Everyone's all WTF?! and Russia's all 83.
It was soooo windy that day...
thepatches always gets the best shots of me. :< Thanks so much for this one! (I sense a little bit of Roy Mustang coming through this picture though, haha.)
Our crazy awesome Russia with his scary!accurate expressions. (This was his first con. O.o Le gasp.)
I just like them glaring at each other, haha.
"Become one with me...83" "The heck is wrong with you, aru~?!"
"I'm a hero!" "...Why do I know you?"
Onward ho to the crack...
Superhero!England... and Steve the invisible pegasus. (Brit, I love you so much, haha.)
Ghetto!England literally had no idea this was going on until she turned around. XD
More of the chair gag. (Our Russia looks so young there...)
Deep down inside, Chibitalia is capable of killing EVERYONE.
Hetalia-style WWII in a sentence: China beating people up with a frying pan and Italy going "I SURRENDER, PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!!! DDD8"
We found tomato!expressions that match our countries. Those things were so cute! LOL.
You know what's worse than Russia? Russia on CAFFEINE. (Russia put his glasses back on, unfortunately, but I still found this pic hilarious.)
Ghetto!Russia, dawg.
JAZZ HANDS, EVERYBODY. (I love how England's expression.)
IT'S RUSSIA'S EVIL SCARF! GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF! (In England's own words: "You can't tell, but I was broken for the rest of the day. Thus Scotland and Ireland were born.")
England and US were doing some sort of Power Ranger pose or something. xD And the magical pegasus Steve has moved to Russia's shoulder. Russia says it's a ploy to get England to become one with him.
*hic* I hate you so much... you and your jeans and your blue suede shoes...
SOUTH KOREA HAS STRUCK! Unhappy China has pigtails now. :<
My favorite shot of the whole series. Three guesses as to why. XD
The entire collection of (mainly cracky) Hetalia pics can be found
And videos! We were grabbed shortly before (and after) Registration for "in character" interviews. Mainly it's reduced to England cursing off America, Russia and China with communist pride, and America not having a clue that England is secretly labeling him a loser.
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