*crashes into brick wall*

Sep 16, 2009 11:13

I'm in a big rush so I can't respond to comments specifically, but thanks for all the congrats guys. :)

I just met with my career advisor and she told me that I needed to ditch the all-science approach for L'Oreal. They really want to see the fact that I'm a dancer and that I draw. O____o; I hope I can present that without crashing and burning. Presenting my artistic side is definitely not something I've prepared to do after spending four years as a biology major. X.x; Never lose your artistic side guys, apparently it helps you in the randomnest situations!

Btw, did I mention I bombed my first Physics II exam? FUN STUFF. I'm used to it by now. I'm too excited about the L'Oreal interview to care, but... yeah. That's going to bite me in the ass in a few days when I get it back. (Bombed as in left half of it blank bombed. T_T; )

EDIT: Interview was... okay? Better than Merck's, I think, and I definitely played up the artsy side. Then again, she was a SUPER nice interviewer (and very young, too) so I don't really know how well I did since I assume she was that nice to everyone. Did mention a few times that I've taken French, so hopefully she'll remember that, too. Man, I'd really love this job. She says she works in a dry lab --she's a biology major who now tests out lotions and sunscreens. I think that's so WICKED. xD

l'oreal, job, life

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