Stephen Colbert, you ROCK. XD

Jun 08, 2009 09:20

I don't watch enough TV nowadays. =_=;

Too bad I'm at work and I can't play the video for this. D: Anyways, Stephen Colbert traveled to Iraq to entertain the troops and tell them (in his sarcastic, secretive, witty way) that he hasn't forgotten about them. He even got Obama and McCain in on the joke!

I particularily liked the part where he got Obama to tape a message saying "cut that man's hair!" and then got his head shaved in front of the troops. That's so sweet in a crazy way. XD The troops were very touched.

Click pic for article.

Also, I love that his suit and his tie are camouflage colored, haha.

EDIT: Also, this article is entertaining: "Barack Obama, stop ruining my marriage."

EDIT #2: ABC reports on the show (which is not fully out yet). Mainly Colbert being silly and talking about the basic training that he went through for the Air Force and the ground forces. :p

lol, stephen colbert, politics, videos, current events

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