May 24, 2009 20:19
It seems to be the week of Lome getting dragged to movies, apparently.
Friend and I went to go see Terminator Salvation despite the fact that we haven't seen the original two Terminator movies in... oh, a decade or so. ._.; DON'T DO THAT. Bad idea. At least Wikipedia the older movies if you don't remember what they're about before you go see this one. Thankfully, my friend remembered enough to tell me that Kyle was John's father from the future half way through the movie, so I was all "OOOOOH, THIS MAKES SO MUCH MORE SENSE NOW!"
Anyways, I actually liked it, despite being pretty confused for most of it. ^^; Great action movie, a lot of explosions and scary machines and people getting beaten up. Bale wasn't excellent, but he wasn't bad, and I REALLY admired the new character, Marcus. All in all, not EXACTLY my type of movie, dialogue was a little corny in the beginning, but still a good watch. (My friend and I were like, the only girls in the theater though. << >>; )
Also, my family and I went to Mohonk mountain today in lower New York. :3 Will post pics later (hopefully) if I find my stupid camera cable.