Nov 17, 2005 08:21
I bought a copy of Eats, Shoots and Leaves yesterday at the school bookstore and read a hundred pages in it. I love it--it makes me laugh. I bought it because my poetry teacher marked me wrong on my last paper for an apostrophe that ISN'T wrong, so I needed to show her the passage in the book where it explained my particular use of the apostrophe. I've read the book before. I like the book. It's a grammar book. I am SUCH a nerd. I laugh out loud at what I'm reading in my new grammar book. This sounds so nerdy!!! I am a nerd. I admit it. Laugh all you want. But the book should be mandatory reading for all people in the world, especially people who write things like "it's hair was brown." Because that's wrong.
Anyway, we have a puzzle in our lounge in my dorm. I like puzzles too, I admit. It's only 550 pieces, so it should be fairly easy, right? I mean, I've been doing puzzles since I was around 7, and I've done some whoppers--you know, a thousand pieces and the like. But no. This is a 550 piece puzzle that is a picture of fishing hooks. About two hundred fishing hooks, almost all silver, all on top of each other in a huge jumbled mess. 550 pieces of a picture of hooks. Are you serious? It's hard. Harder than hard. I mean, I spend ten minutes in front of it and get NOTHING, not a single piece. Someone put together the outside edge, which made it a bit easier, I guess, but not much. It's a serious puzzle.
It's been there for about three or four weeks, and it's not even half done. I personally did a fair amount of the last one, a 450 piece actual picture. The whole thing was done in a week. In the past four ish weeks since it's been there, I've put in 2 pieces. It took me about ten minutes for each piece. And I'm really proud of myself.
Ok, now that I have thoroughly lowered myself in all of your eyes, I am off to do the paper I was supposed to be doing all morning and now have less than an hour to read 46 pages and write a one page detailed summary of the whole thing. Fuck.
You know, for a nerd who loves all things intellectual, I really am a big time procrastinator of my actual schoolwork. This should change. Oh well.