APH Fic Mental Help chapter 4

Oct 20, 2012 22:21

Title: Mental Help
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, Germany, America, Canada, Hungary, Switzerland, Turkey, Liechtenstein, Germania, N. Italy, S. Italy, France. Eventual Germancest.
Rating: M for certain aspects.
Warnings: Mentions of cutting, anorexia, and bulimia. More graphic in later chapters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Gilbert is the newest patient in the teenage mental hospital where his parents put him out of concern for him. There he finds acceptance, getting over his problems, friends, and even a lover.

It was more of an order than anything else. Just like everything in this place they could say suggested and “it would be nice if you did” however in the end it was always an order.

And just like everyone else Gilbert needed to go and see a doctor every day. Not just the therapist who would fuck with his head but an actual doctor that would fuck with his body as well.

His doctor was a no nonsense man who didn’t tolerate excuses or whatever the person was feeling at the moment. Dr. Vash Zwingli, who just like everyone else in the building, insisted on being called by his first name.

And at this moment Gilbert and the doctor were glaring at one another without either one seeming that they would back down.

“Get. On. The. Scale.” Vash repeated himself.

“Go. Fuck. Yourself.” Gilbert repeated.

Silence rang through the room as both males continued to try to intimate the other. Neither looked ready to give up.

“On the scale before I force you.” Vash said.

Gilbert sneered. “I would like to see you try.”

In a flash Vash had grabbed Gilbert and spun him around the room and pushed him onto the scale. Gilbert flailed and tried to jerk his arm from Vashs grip. Vash simply tightened his grip, picked him up, and placed him on the scale.

Gilbert could breathe. His throat closed up and his vision dimmed. He barely even registered that Vash was no longer holding onto his arm and was instead peering down at the numbers.

“You can get off now.” Vash told him as he straightened. When Gilbert finally registered the words he jumped off of the scale to nearly all the way across the room.

Vash wheeled a machine towards Gilbert.

“Blood pressure.” he told him catching Gilberts suspicious glare. Wordlessly Gilbert held his arm out.

Vash placed and tightened the fabric before taking the stethoscope and placing the end on the crook of Gilberts elbow. Gilbert boredly leaned against the wall as Vash counted the numbers in his head. When the machine was done Vash took the statoscope that was around his neck and placed the buds into his ear and pressed the end of it onto the crook of Gilberts elbow.

“You have low blood pressure. Not to mention your heart is slow enough that I have some more reasons to be concerned.” Vash told him, as he pulled the statoscope back down. He nodded towards the medical table. “Hop onto it.”

Trying to keep as much contempt as he could on his face Gilbert wordlessly obeyed.

Vash was looking through a file that he picked up from his desk. He wordlessly examined a few pages before turning his attention back to Gilbert.

“Your dental records, especially the x-rays, show quite a few signs of acid erosion.” he said. “Did your dentist tell you?”

Gilbert nodded as he looked to the side. It had been one of the flags that arose that brought his mother’s attention to him. That and later in the next day when he fainted at school and needed to be taken to the hospital.

“Your physician however doesn’t mention anything despite the fact that you saw her only two weeks ago and I know that side effects don’t happen just over night.” Vash continued.

Gilbert allowed a smirk to come onto his face. It had been hard but he had seen what she had written and it had been even harder to sneak his file out and get rid of the papers. He had laughed later as he read them before he destroyed them and saw what his doctor had wished for his parents to do.

In the end it was the same result, he was committed to a hospital.

“Give me your hand.” Vash ordered extending his own hand.

Confused Gilbert brought up his left hand.

Vash rolled his eyes and leaned forward to bring Gilberts right hand into his.

The one with the bandages on the knuckles.

When Gilbert tried to tug his hand back Vash tightened his grip once more and, with surprising care with a touch of gentleness, peeled the bandages back.

Gilbert didn’t bother to look; he knew what was going to be there.

Scratches and marks that obviously came from teeth.

Vash didn’t say anything as he got out a fresh bandage and anticipant and covered Gilberts scratches with them once more.

“Cross your leg over your knee.” Vash ordered. He took a small hammer with a rubber end and once Gilbert crossed his leg he knocked lightly against the area around the knee until Gilbert kicked upwards lightly.

“Other one.”

Once he was done Vash nodded. “Reflexes seem good. Now for a less than pleasant part.”

Gilbert raised his eyebrow however once he saw the tubes and the needles his face paled. And considering his usual white skin it was quite an effort and a feat.

“Do we have to?” he asked, choosing to ignore the way his voice was shaking.

Vash didn’t show any notice of Gilberts nervousness however he did nod. “We do. Two tubes at least for now.”

“For now?” Gilbert was sure that he didn’t squeak.

“We need to constantly monitor your blood work.” Vash said as he prepared his instruments. “Every other day we are going to take your blood in order to see what we need to do or what we need to take away. A bit more blood work is done here than anywhere else but we like to be safe and sure.”

He tied the rubber strand around Gilberts arm and paused for a moment as his veins appeared.

“Your veins are a bit hard to see but no worries.” Vash told him. “I’ve done this a thousand times.”

When he looked up and saw Gilberts frightened face his voice softened “Close your eyes, it helps some of the others.”
Gilbert shifted on his bed as he tried to find a comfortable position and tried to read the book in his hands.

“Feeling restless?” Alfred asked looking at him.

“Mm hmm.” Gilbert said. He threw the book to the side and glanced at Alfred. “So, why are you here?”

Alfred was fighting a smile as he cleaned the top of his table. “My father was a bit concerned about me. He thought that I was having some problems with who I really was.”

“What do you mean?” Gilbert asked.

Alfred looked thoughtful as he contemplated his words.

“He felt,” he slowly began. “, that I was…under a lot of pressure and in doing so I had created an imaginary friend to help me with all the stress. Which is completely untrue, may I add.”

“An imaginary friend?”

Alfred nodded. “Yeah.” He gave a light chuckle. “Apparently I named him Matthew but that doesn’t make any sense really.”

“Why not?” Gilbert asked confused.

Alfred gave a laugh. “My name is Matthew. Why would I give an imaginary friend my own name?”
“So how are you settling in?” Elizaveta asked her son.

The next day in the morning were visiting hours. Parents or friends were allowed to visit the patients for a couple of hours and go around the hospital to make sure everything was to their liking and to assure them that their children were well taken care of and to talk with either the doctors or the psychiatrist face to face.

“Fine.” Gilbert answered, not looking at her. He still couldn’t get over the betrayal he felt when his parents had placed him in here.

“We called your principal and told him where you are.” Elizaveta said. “He promised not to tell your teachers but he did tell them something else so they know that you aren’t cutting or anything. They are going to send the work from the day and the homework you need to do and we’ll give it to you.”

Gilbert nodded as he kept his gaze on the floor.

“Your father is sorry that he wasn’t able to come.” Elizaveta said apologetically. “But he had urgent matter at the concert hall.”

Elizaveta then took Gilberts hand in hers and said “Gilbert, look at me.”

Gilbert obediently looked up into her eyes.

“I know that you are mad at us for bringing you here.” she said. “But we are doing this for your own good. You scared us Gilbert, deeply, and the reason you are here is not because you’re being punished but because we are trying to help you.”

Gilbert glanced away. When his mother started on the whole love speech and we care about you he got embarrassed.

Elizaveta seemed to sense her sons discomfort and smiled as she squeezed his hand once more before letting go.

“Now then.” she said smiling at him. “Give me a tour?”

Gilbert gave a snort however he also smiled. “Sure.”

As they walked out of their room, each patient got their own room for privacy with whoever was visiting them; Gilbert saw Alfred walk out with a grown man who had to be his father.

“Hey Gilbert.” Alfred said grinning at him. He motioned with his head towards the older man. “My dad, Francis.”

Francis was a tall man; his son was almost taller than him however, with shoulder length blonde hair, light blue eyes, and stubble of beard. When he saw Elizaveta and Gilbert his smile widened and showed a hint of teeth.

Francis took Elizavetas hand in his and kissed the back of it as he bowed. “It is always a pleasure to meet a young lady as beautiful as yourself.”

Elizaveta laughed. “I’m a married woman sir.” she said lightly.

A look of mock hurt came across Francis’ face. He placed his hand over his heart. “Alas! I had let an angel go. If only I had met with you earlier, I might have had a chance to know what it is to be touched by a supreme being.”

“Dad!” Alfred said nudging his father, his face a light red. “You’re embarrassing me!”

Francis grinned and reached out to tussle Alfred’s hair. “Well that is my job! To embarrass my son. Isn’t that the real job of the parent?” he asked Elizaveta.

Elizaveta nodded in agreement. “One of the perks.”

“Can you please stop flirting with my mom.” Gilbert asked annoyed.

Before Alfred or Francis could say anything a different voice boomed out clear through the hallways and the rooms.

“What the hell is wrong with you!” the voice yelled.

Alfred flinched. At Gilberts questioning gaze he whispered “Ludwig’s dad.” and motioned with his head towards the room.

“Are you trying to embarrass me? This family? What is wrong with you!” the voice, Ludwig’s father apparently, continued to yell.

The door slammed open at the moment and the man in question came out, he looked exactly as an older version of Ludwig only with longer hair. Ludwig came out, following him with his head bowed and carrying a small girl with braids in his arms who was holding onto his tightly.

“It is bad enough that you end up in this insane asylum but you don’t even attempt to do anything about it?” his father continued. “Do you realize the amount of embarrassment you are placing on me? Do you realize what I have to deal with at work that now people know I have a son in an asylum? Do you know how hard it is to get support to go into office with you still in here?”

“I’m sorry father.” Ludwig said quietly. His grip on the girl in his arms tightened.

His father’s attention was now on gathering all of his things and leaving quickly.

“I’m telling you right now Ludwig, you need to get your stuff together and shape up.” his father warned him. “Get yourself out of this…predicament and into reality. Deal with your problems quickly and quietly.”

“And for the love of god boy.” he snapped. “If I don’t hear about any significant improvement in the next week at the most I am sending you to somewhere where I know you will get improvement. And if not improvement you won’t ever be back to embarrass me again. Do you understand me?”

Ludwig didn’t answer; he just kept his head bowed and his gaze downwards.

His father growled and reached out to grab Ludwig’s face in his hand tightly and force him to look up at him. The girl shook lightly and buried her face in Ludwig’s neck.

“I said do you understand me?” his father growled.

“Yes father.” Ludwig said dutifully.

“Alright, that’s enough.” a new voice came. Gilbert glanced to the side where Feliciano and Lovino were standing in their scrubs and a guard was walking towards them. ‘Sadiq Adnan’ was written on the nametag and he tore the guards uniform.

“I think that’s enough Mr. Beilschmidt.” Sadiq said. “You need to leave.”

Mr. Beilschmidt gave a snort. “As if I want to stay here a moment longer. Lilia, come.”

The girl in Ludwig’s arms hesitated for a moment.

Beilschmidt started down the hallway and towards the doors. “Lilia!”

The girl jumped from Ludwig’s arms to the ground however Ludwig then kneeled to give her one more hug.

“Take care Lilia.” Ludwig said softly.

Lilia nodded. “You too big brother.”

Everyone waited until Beilschmidt was gone before they relaxed. Ludwig was now looking on the ground after his sister had gone.

Feliciano gave a sigh of relief and walked to where Ludwig was and touched his arm gently. “Are you alright Ludwig?”

Ludwig nodded as he kept his gaze on the ground.

Feliciano sighed once more before he made to step away however he then froze.

Hidden by his sleeves slightly Ludwig was tightly gripping his left wrist with his right hand. Gilbert could see his right hand tensed and his fingernails digging deeper into the skin.

Feliciano immediately went to Ludwig’s right hand and was trying to pry it away from Ludwig’s left wrist.

“Come on Ludwig, you’ve made a lot of progress before this. You don’t want to ruin it.” Feliciano murmured soothingly as he tried to get Ludwig to relax.

Ludwig seemed to hesitate for a moment. However quicker than the blink of an eye he applied more pressure to his wrist and his fingernails finally tore through the skin and allowed blood to flow down his arm and onto the floor.

Feliciano swore lightly as Elizaveta and Francis gasped. Gilbert felt his stomach turn lightly.

Lovino came to help his brother pry Ludwig’s hand off of his wrist and wrap a makeshift bandage around the wound.

“Vash, we need bandages, tight ones that you can’t get under or off and nail clippers.” Sadiq said into a radio. He then reached out and took one of Ludwig’s arms while Feliciano and Lovino took the other.

Ludwig didn’t protest or try to fight them off. He kept his gaze on the ground as they marched him towards the medical office leaving only small amount of blood on the floor.

“Oh my.” Elizaveta said softly.

switzerland, italy, liechtenstein, turkey, hungary, fanfic, au, france, canada, prussia, human au, america, germania, aph, sitaly, germany

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