APH Fic A Secret Inside chapter 3

Oct 20, 2012 22:07

Title: A Secret Inside
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, Prussia, FemJapan, FemSouthItaly, Russia,
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Gilbert is a vampire prince. Louise is a witch's apprentice with a secret that she doesn't even know of. These two fight and fall in love in a world where their kinds are at war. FemGermany

It had been a month since the vampires had joined their school. Three weeks ago another vampire joined, by the name of Antonio, and the trio of vampires were always together everywhere they went.

“I still don’t feel like they aren’t going to go insane and completely kill everyone in the school.” Lovina grumbled at lunch. Felicia placed her arm around her sister in comfort.

“I do find it a bit odd that they haven’t done anything just yet.” Sakura admitted. She opened her bag to take out the bottles filled with the tea she had brewed at home and handed them to her friends.

Ivan was staring at the tea apprehensively. “You are sure that this is going to cleanse our systems?”

Sakura nodded. “It’s a recipe in my family for generations. And as Arthur-sensei, I mean Master Arthur, said we need to start cleaning our bodies from the inside out.” She hesitated for a moment. “This is however my first time drinking the tea.”

The group was silent for a moment as they watched each other and the bottles that were sitting innocently on the table.

Felicia was the first one to gather enough courage to reach out and take her bottle. She opened it and took a quick sniff of the insides.

“Smells alright.” she said slowly. She tilted the bottle into her mouth and had some of the contents fall into her mouth. Her eyes widened and she immediately spit the liquid out.

“Tastes like liquidized shit!” she exclaimed, ignoring the looks she got from her outburst. The other four stared at their bottles with more hardened gazes.

“I am not trying that.” Lovina said. “Arthur wants us to drink it? He can pay me first. Cash and upfront. And a Gucci bag.”

Louise snorted as she reached out for her bottle. “It can’t be that bad.” she said taking a sip. Immediately she fought the urge to spit out what she had just drunk and forced herself to swallow despite her stomachs protests.

“See? Not that bad.” she said trying to smile at her friends.

“I would believe that if you didn’t look as if you were going to throw up.” Ivan said.

Louise started to protest when she felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Turning around she saw the now, unfortunately, familiar eyes of Gilbert Beilschmidt on her. He glanced down at the bottle in her hands and then back at her with a smirk.

Louise narrowed her eyes and didn’t avert her gaze as she lifted the bottle and took another sip. She refused to shudder as the taste made contact with her tongue and instead focused on keeping her disgust to herself as she kept the gaze with Gilbert.

“You and vampire boy seem to enjoy staring at each soulfully.” Felicia noted.

Louise finally tore her gaze away from his and instead focused on her friends.

“We’re not staring at each other soulfully.” Louise protested. “We are staring at each other hatefully and with a slight challenge with what I am drinking.”

“Yeah because that heated gaze definitely means hatred.” Lovina said snorting. She pondered something for a moment before she said “Fuck it,” took the bottle and drained half off it.

Gagging Lovina looked torn from throwing up and throwing the bottle.

“How many times are we going to have to drink this?” Ivan asked.

“A long time.” Sakura said regretfully. She had watched her friends drink the tea and was now staring at her own with slight fear.

“Great.” Louise said dryly as she glanced at her bottle once more. She took another sip and gagged.
“So how was the cleansing drink?” Gilbert asked innocently as he sat next to her.

Louise glared at him. “And that is your business, why?”

Gilbert smirked. “Just a question. But honestly, are all apprentices brainless and follow their master’s orders no matter what? Or is it just you five?”

“We are drinking the tea in order to clean our bodies.” Louise said. “In order to be in excellent help we need to keep our bodies clean and pure.”

“I heard those exact same words a while ago.” Gilbert said. “It came from monks and priests who were advocated for abstinence and the whole sex is sin propaganda.”

“Leave me alone.” Louise snapped at him just as their history teacher entered the classroom.

She raised an eyebrow at Louise however she didn’t comment. “Settle down class.” she called.

The teacher paused in the front of the class to write out ‘Project’ on the blackboard.

“As I had told in the beginning of the year we are going to have a project, its due at the end of the week and will count for half of your grade this semester.” the teacher said. “The project will be done in pairs. Backgrounds is the theme, you and your partner will talk of the ancestors that have come to this country and do a compare and contrast. I will assign partners.”

Louise waited for her name to be called and her partners patiently.

However she wasn’t prepared to hear “Louise Edelstein and Gilbert Beilschmidt.”

“What?” Louise exclaimed. She raised her hand. “Ma’am. I can’t be paired with Gilbert.”

“My decision is final.” the teacher said before calling the next pair.

Louise whirled around to where Gilbert was sitting looking innocent.

“Look, just because the teacher put us together for this project doesn’t mean we’re friends.” Louise hissed.

Gilbert was smirking. “Whatever you say.” He stretched and smacked his lips. “So I’m going to guess that we’ll be working at your house?”

“Why would we be at my house?” Louise asked.

“I don’t think you can get to my house.” Gilbert said. “And besides, humans are not welcome.”

“Well vampires aren’t welcome in my house either.” Louise countered.

“Let me rephrase.” Gilbert said. “If you come to my house there is a big chance that you will be captured by at least one vampire and you will end up for dinner tonight. Trust me; going to your house is a lot less trouble.”
“Let’s get this over with.” Louise sighed as she brought back the papers, board, and markers she had bought earlier from when she had first heard of the project. She spotted Gilbert standing at the mantle looking at the pictures. “What are you doing?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” Gilbert shot back still watching the pictures. He pointed to a black and white one. “Who’s this?”

“My grandparents a year before they emigrated from Germany.” Louise said.

“You’re German?” Gilbert asked.


“I’m Prussian myself.” Gilbert said moving onto the other pictures.

“Prussia? The dissolved country?” Louise asked.

“Mm hmm.” He pointed to one of the pictures. “You?”

“That’s actually my father.” Louise said biting her lip to hide her smile.

Gilbert studied the picture closer. The child had plump rosy cheeks with the blonde hair falling down in curls. Both the bonnet on the head, the dress, gloves, and socks had frills complete with dress shoes and a snow white bear held on the lap.

“This is your father?” Gilbert asked dubiously. He then shrugged. “Not like I can complain my mother dressed me like a girl for the better part of two centuries.”

“How…how old are you?” Louise asked.

“Vampire years or human years?” Gilbert asked as he sat on the couch.

“What’s the difference?”

“Human years are physical, vampire years are mental.”

“But you physically look like my age.” Louise said.

“Physically as in how many years this body has been alive.” Gilbert explained. “However mentally, emotionally, and physical appearance follows the vampire years.”

“And how many years are you in vampire’s years?” Louise asked.

“Twenty human years equal one vampire year.” Gilbert said reaching to the board and markers. “I’m almost eighteen vampire years old.”

Louise froze. “That makes you three hundred and sixty years old.”

“Like I said though.” Gilbert said shrugging. “I have the mindset of a seventeen year old.”

The part of Louise that had fallen in love with history was crying out at this moment, deeply wanting to beg Gilbert to tell her all of the history that he must have seen. She breathed hard through her nose and the moment passed.

“Dear lord.” she said instead.

Gilbert nodded, his eyes falling back to the mantle on a picture of Louise and her father.

“Where’s your mother?” he asked bluntly. “I don’t see her anywhere.”

Louise stared at the table as she organized everything into order. “She’s dead. She died giving birth to me.”

Gilbert flinched and looked slightly sheepish. “Sorry.”

Louise nodded as she kept her gaze on the board.

“I saw two other pictures. You on a horse and you with a bow.” Gilbert said changing the topic. “Want to tell me about it?”

“There’s nothing really to tell about it.” Louise said. “All that it is is that I learned horseback riding and archery. I still compete sometimes.”

“You any good?” Gilbert asked.

“I’ve been getting first place ever since I was ten.” she said with a hint of pride.

Gilbert grinned. “Is there a place here to shoot?”

Louise motioned with her head. “In my backyard, my father made a little pace where I can practice.”

“I challenge you.” Gilbert declared.

Louise looked up at him in amusement. “What?”

“I challenge you.” Gilbert repeated. “I’m pretty good at archery myself.”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re a vampire, I will still beat you.” Louise said crossing her arms.

Gilbert leaned towards her. “Challenge. Accepted.”

Louise stared at him in silence for a moment before she stood and started towards the backyard with Gilbert at her heels.

Gilbert spotted the targets which were about one hundred feet away as Louise pulled out two bows and a few arrows from the shed. She handed him one of the bows and an arrow. “Guests first.”

Gilbert took the bow and arrow and rolled his shoulders back once. He placed the arrow in the quiver, brought the bow up, and pulled the arrow back.

A sharp whistle rang through the air before the thunk of metal hitting wood. The arrow embedded itself in the center of the red circle.

“That’s dead center if you want to check.” Gilbert bragged.

Louse didn’t say anything as she took her spot, brought the bow up, drew the arrow back, and paused. She remained frozen in place as her eyes focused.

Suddenly she let the arrow go, it flew through the air, and landed in the middle of Gilbert’s arrows before continuing; splitting Gilbert’s arrow in half and embedding itself in the spot Gilberts had been.

Gilbert felt his jaw drop as the bow slid from his fingers to the ground. “How did…the fuck…?”

Louise had a small smile on her face. “Like I said, I’m good.”

“Can you hit a moving target?” Gilbert asked as he started towards the target to examine the arrow.

“I’ve ridden a horse and hit my target.” Louise said as she pulled more arrows out of their container.

Gilbert stood in front of the target and glanced to the ground where the remains lay.

“So how did you do that?” Gilbert asked as he started to turn. He was suddenly pinned to the target board by four arrows that were stabbing through his sleeves and his pants. Louise held one more arrow drawn as she walked towards him.

“My teacher placed a spell on my arrows that can help keep vampires in place.” Louise said. She stepped in front of him with the arrow drawn and inches away.

“You won’t shoot.” Gilbert said confidently.

“And how do you know that?” she asked.

Gilbert leaned his head closer to her. “Because you have nothing to gain from doing it.”

“One less vampire that I need to worry about.” Louise protested. “One less vampire where I don’t need to worry about the people in my town ending up as dinner. One less vampire in my school with two more to go.”

“And then you’ll start a war with the vampires.” Gilbert said.

Louise froze for a moment. “What?”

Gilbert grinned. “Believe it or not but I’m not just any vampire. I’m kinda high up.”

“How high up?” Louise asked.

“High enough that if my death came by the hands of anyone, that includes humans, witches, werewolves, and anyone else, it would start a war with that species.” Gilbert told her.

“And besides.” Gilbert said leaning his head back. “If you were going to shoot me you wouldn’t have wasted time with all this talking. You would’ve done it right away with no hesitation.” His already wide grin actually widened. “You did this to intimidate me. And I’m far from intimidated, I’m actually intrigued.”
“So you guys actually talked?” Felicia asked as they walked to their lockers.

“Well I did shoot him with my arrows.” Louise admitted. “But I didn’t do it to hurt him.”

Felicia snorted. “Either way I think you showed him not to mess with you.”

Louise was silent for a moment before she said “When we were talking…it felt nice. We were talking a bit about families and…I almost forgot that he’s a vampire.”

“Hmm.” Felicia said smirking lightly. “Sounds to me as if someone is getting a crush.”

Louise shook her head sharply. “No. there is no way I am getting a crush on him. No.” she said as they stopped in front of their lockers.

“Well excluding the whole vampire witch Romeo and Juliet thing.” Felicia said as her perfectly manicured hand twisted her lock. “He’s not that bad.”

“It doesn’t matter.” Louise said as she opened her own locker. “In the end, I don’t like him and he doesn’t like me.”

When she opened her locker Louise froze. There sitting in her locker snugly was a new bow and a new set of silver tipped arrows in a case that was roped with sturdy leather so it can easily and comfortably be placed on her back with easy access to the arrows.

There was a note on the inside of the door. Louise ripped the note down and opened it.

‘Real silver arrow heads. Real leather straps. The bow is made out of a combination of wood with metal veins inside. Everything but the arrows case is handmade.’

Felicia gave a low whistle when she peered into Louise’s locker and then at the note.

“Yeah.” she said. “He doesn’t like you at all.”

fanfic, femjapan, au, femnorthitaly, russia, prussia, femsouthitaly, aph, femgermany

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