APH Fic Mental Help chapter 3

Jun 29, 2012 01:23

Title: Mental Help
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, Germany, England, Lithuania
Rating: M for certain aspects.
Warnings: Mentions of cutting, anorexia, and bulimia. More graphic in later chapters.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Gilbert is the newest patient in the teenage mental hospital where his parents put him out of concern for him. There he finds acceptance, getting over his problems, friends, and even a lover.

“Do you want to talk about the episode you had in the cafeteria Gilbert?” the hospitals therapist Toris Laurinaitis asked him.

Gilbert shook his head. He had chosen to stop by his room to grab a pair of sweats to change into before coming to the therapist; he was tired of constantly holding onto his pants to keep them from falling.

“You had only a single bite of bread, you must be feeling hungry.” Toris continued. “If you want I can order something to be brought here, it’s against the rules but it’ll be our little secret.” he smiled at Gilbert.

Gilbert didn’t smile back, he only glared.

Toris, as he had insisted on being called, leaned back in his chair as he met Gilbert’s eyes with the ease of a man who seemed to have forever.

“You also called your mother, begging her to get you out of here.” Toris continued. “The thing is Gilbert I know how much you want to get out but you can’t. In fact, not even your mother or father can get you out of here.”

Gilbert gave a jerked motion of surprise.

Toris nodded. “The moment that your parents signed those forms from earlier you became ours. The only way you are leaving this hospital is by getting my signature now. My approval. In a sense I am your father now.”

Gilbert curled his hands into fists.

“There is only one way you will get my signature.” Toris said. “You need to accept our help to make sure that you get well. That you beat this. I don’t expect you to get one hundred percent over your stay here; that will take a very long time. However you will be free one I see that you can fight on your own. Until then we are allies in war.”

“I’m not at war.” Gilbert said his first words since coming into the office.

Toris looked somewhat pleased that Gilbert had said something. “But you are. Very often people are in denial at something that they can no longer control. There is no shame in that.”

“I’m not ashamed because there is nothing wrong with me.” Gilbert said.

Toris glanced to the side. Instinctively Gilbert did the same and when he realized what they were looking at his stomach dropped to his knees.

A weighing scale.

“I want you to get on the scale then.” Toris said. “If you are not at war with yourself then prove it to me. The sooner you prove to me that either A. There is nothing wrong with you and this was a mistake or B. That you can do this on your own and win, the sooner you can get out of here.”

Gilbert didn’t move. He felt a drop of sweat run down the back of his neck.

“Gilbert? Can you get onto the scale?” Toris asked.

His heart was pounding in his chest. His breathing was getting heavier. His hands started to shake. He didn’t even realize how hard he was shaking his head until his neck was starting to hurt.

“I don’t…” he managed to choke out. “I don’t want…”

“It’s alright.” Toris said. He walked to Gilbert and placed his hands on Gilbert’s shoulders. “No one is going to make you right now.”

Gilbert shook the hands off of his shoulders. “Can I leave?”

Toris looked conflicted for a moment before he nodded. “I suppose this was a good enough of a first meeting as anything.”
“As much as it might help to glare at the books,” Arthur said without looking up from his notebook where he had been writing in since Gilbert had entered the game room. “The poor innocent book has done nothing to be guilty of your hatred.”

“For the love of god talk normally.” Gilbert hissed. He closed, more like slammed, the book and threw it to the side.

Arthur immediately was up and kneeled to pick up the book. He brought it to his chest for a moment, and to Gilbert’s eyes he was hugging and apologizing to the book, before carefully placing it back on its shelf.

“What is it with you and books?” Gilbert asked as he sagged in his chair.

“Books are mankind’s greatest invention, weapon, and gift.” Arthur said. “We must treat them with the respect that they deserve.”

“Even Twilight?” Gilbert asked enjoying the small tick that had appeared momentarily in Arthur’s forehead.

“Even the greatest inventions have small flaws.” Arthur said carefully.

Arthur’s attention was diverted to the side for a moment before he nodded. “The fairies wanted me to tell you that they are more than willing to lend you’re their fruit in order to fill you more. However I must warn you, once you eat their food you can never eat human food again; it’ll all taste like ash and you can only stomach fairy food.”

“No…thanks.” Gilbert said. “Why are you talking about fairies?”

Arthur looked surprised. “Why wouldn’t I be? They hate to be ignored.”

“But there are no such thing as fair-” before Gilbert could finish his sentence Arthur had jumped over the table separating them and clasped his hand over Gilberts mouth.

“Don’t say that!” Arthur exclaimed. “Don’t ever say that!”

“Dun say wha-?” Gilbert mumbled around Arthur’s hand. He pushed Arthur away and repeated “Don’t say what?”

“That they don’t,” Arthur glanced frantically to the sides once more before he whispered “exist.”

“Why not?” Gilbert asked.

“Every time someone says that a fairy dies.” Arthur said in complete seriousness. “It’s bad enough that parents are constantly telling their children that so I make sure whenever I can to make sure that they don’t.”

“You can’t be serious.” Gilbert said. “I mean are you fucking serious?”

Arthur blinked in surprise as took a few steps back. “I am completely serious.”

“Don’t know why we can’t call this place a mental institution.” Gilbert said getting out of his chair and walking towards the door. “Seeing as the people here are completely insane.”

The sadistic side of him roared at that moment as he was one foot out of the door. Smirking back he glanced at Arthur over his shoulder and said “By the way, there’s no such thing as fairies.”

He heard Arthur gasp and saw from the corner of his eye Arthur fall to his knees and start clapping his hands together frantically.

Gilbert closed the door and walked down the hallway ignored the way his chest tightened when he heard Arthur give a sorrowful wail.
He was walking down the hallway trying to kill time before he had to go to the next meeting with the doctor or whatever the hospital had come up with in an attempt to make them feel like they weren’t actually prisoners with no free will and seeing as he hadn’t looked at his schedule since he got it, he actually threw it out, roaming the hallways were the next best thing.

Up until someone grabbed his shoulders from behind and threw him against the wall before the arm pinned itself against his shoulders to keep him in place.

“What the hell did you do?” Ludwig demanded.

“You’re going to have to be a bit more specific there.” Gilbert said.

Ludwig narrowed his eyes. “Arthur has been crying the entire time before having a panic attack or a mental breakdown; I didn’t ask which and I wasn’t told, the staff had to give him a sedative to calm him down and now he’s sleeping. I saw you; you were the last person to be with him. What. Did. You. Do?”

Gilbert attempted to throw Ludwig’s arm off of him. When he couldn’t he frowned slightly, he had no trouble doing that before; what had happened?

“Answer me.” Ludwig snarled.

“He was telling me about his imaginary friends, fairies.” Gilbert said rolling his eyes. “And I told him the truth, that fairies don’t-mmph!”

For the second time today a man was firmly clasped against his mouth.

“Don’t say that.” Ludwig hissed. “Don’t even think it.”

“You can’t seriously say that you believe that insane kid.” Gilbert said in disbelief.

“I don’t know about the existence of something like that.” Ludwig said. “But I do believe that we each have our own things that help us. For Arthur his belief in the mystical world is what keeps him sane.”

“Good job on keeping him sane, that guy is the craziest one here.” Gilbert said.

“It doesn’t matter.” Ludwig said. “You don’t do something that will make a person have a panic attack.”

Slowly Ludwig put down his arm and stepped back however not completely away from Gilbert.

“Clap your hands.” Ludwig ordered.


“I said clap your hands.” Ludwig repeated.


“According to Arthur it brings a fairy back to life.” Ludwig said.

“I am not playing this game.” Gilbert said trying to step around Ludwig. Not that he was able to, the guy was built that he practically took up the entire hallway.

Ludwig pushed him against the wall once more. “I said clap your hands!” he snarled. “Now!”

Gilbert quickly clapped his hands three times. “Happy?”

Ludwig gave him one more glare before turning and wordlessly walking back to the direction from where he had come from.
Arthur gave a low moan as he tried to sit up in his bed. His eyes felt heavy and hurt slightly, he cursed to himself; crying always made him half way blind for a few hours.

The drugs were still running through his system as his shaking arm gripped the side of the bed and pushed him up.

Suddenly he heard three claps from the hallway above him. The fairy on his side, the one that had fallen the moment Gilbert had uttered those hated words, stirred lightly before opening its eyes and taking to the air joyfully once more.

Arthur let out a relived sigh and smiled as her friends joined her and flew around him and the room.

england, fanfic, au, prussia, human au, aph, germany, lithuania

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