APH Fic Coming Back chapter 1

May 18, 2012 21:27

Title: Coming Back
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemGermany, England, France,
Rating: T for now.
Warnings: None I believe.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Louise never wanted to return to do the governments dirty work, not after what they allowed to happen. However under the new circumstances there really is no choice and she needs to face her past demons. FemGermany

Louise, even after all this time, still wasn't sure who she is.

She knows that she is obviously a girl; her chest, genitalia, and monthly periods were evidence to that.

She knows that she is nineteen years old although she sometimes feels so much older.

She knows that she is a waitress in a diner in a town which after a year of living in she still wasn't sure of its name and she knows that the people in her past would be ashamed of what she is now using her skills for.

She doesn't have any friends but she does have colleagues. Such as the head of the diner Eddie who gave her the job and his wife Linda who gives her hugs and cookies to take home. And then there’s Mrs. Plat the landlady who gives her a discount on the rent and old Mrs. Kate who makes sure that Louise eats at her house every two days.

She has a cat strangely enough because two years ago she could have sworn that she was a dog person.

Two years ago she was a completely different person.

She doesn't have to need a boyfriend, or a girlfriend, for that matter.

She doesn't smoke or do drugs. Her last swallow of alcohol had been when she was fourteen.

She isn't a virgin.

She knows because of mirrors that she has blonde hair that she always keeps cut short and blue eyes.

She knows that she has a scar on her left shoulder from a bullet that had gone through. A jagged knife wound on the side of her thigh. Another two bullet wounds on her right leg practically on top of each other. There are other smaller scars that she sees when she showers.

She knows that the entire town painted her backstory. She is someone in the witness protection agency. A runaway from an abusive home, an abusive relationship. She ran away to start a new life. Either away from people or from drugs. She is a victim through and through in their eyes.

Up until two years ago she was never a victim. Even after that day, after that moment, she still wasn't a victim.

She thinks that she is a good girl now. She does go to church on Sunday, but not in the morning because she enjoys the time to sleep in, in the afternoon where she just sits in the back quietly and with a faraway look in her eyes.

She hasn't smiled in over a year. The only talk she has is taking order at the diner and afterwards a 'thank you', 'good night', and 'good morning'.

When she is standing still it’s almost like she is trying to make herself smaller or if possible not there at all.

And most of all she knows that each night when she goes to sleep and she tries to relax her body cries in protest and begs for her to push it back and push it to its limits into what they used to do together.

She wearily tells her body to quiet before lying down in the bed with the cat curled around her and hoping for no nightmares tonight.
Counterclockwise starting with small circles and expanding outwards.

Louise cleaned the tables mechanically, only stopping to go to a new table or to spray cleaner.

A hand came down on her shoulder and even though it was a gentle touch Louise couldn't help the flinch. Linda’s caring eyes looked at her in concern.

"You alright?" Linda asked.

Louise nodded.

Linda looked around the empty diner and said "I don't think we'll be getting any more customers tonight, you can go home early if you like."

Before Louise could respond they saw through the glass a sleek black car pull into their parking lot.

Linda groaned. "I was always a jinx." she said before throwing a glance and smile at Louise. "Do me a favor, take their order and I'll take care of the rest."

Louise nodded as she went to the back to put away the rag and cleaner and to put on her apron.

She was tying the apron around her waist as she heard Linda welcome the customers.

"Yes, my friends and I would enjoy a nice cup of coffee, something sweet, and a nice little chat with your waitress."

Louise looked up sharply at the voice. Her heart started to beat faster, her pupils dilated, and although she refused to admit it she felt the stirrings of life inside of her once more.

She was looking into the eyes of Arthur Honda and his associates.
She and the others were sitting in a booth. All of them had coffee in front of them. Louise, still in her waitress outfit, hadn't taken a single sip of her coffee and chooses instead to stare blankly at Arthur.

Arthur in turn sipped from his cup and met Louise’s gaze easily. He seemed to be in no hurry to tell why he had come from nowhere.

A corner of Louise’s mind, the corner where she had pushed everything that she didn't want to remember, came to life at that moment; whispering to her everything that normally a person would miss.

Although Arthur was in a relaxed position he wasn't able to completely hide the tension in his arms and shoulders. His eyes looked bored however they were sharply trained on her, he wanted something from her.

He wanted her to beg, the same corner of her mind said. Even so much as asking a single question would be accounting as begging.

Louise knew two things, two things in a sea of uncertainty that she firmly knew.

The first that she never begged. Never.

The second that she hated Arthur Honda more than she, or anyone, could hate in the world and would never do anything for him even if he begged.

One of his associates, Hercules Karpusi her mind supplied, was staring at her in concern.

She had always liked Hercules. He was nice, quiet, and protective. He always had something to say, quotes mostly from Greek and Ancient Greek times. He always had a kitten on him and was always ready to give an open and nonjudgmental ear.

He also always gave the best engulfing hugs.

"Maybe we should come back tomorrow." Hercules said looking her over. "After she had a good night’s sleep."

Louise turned her head to glance at her reflection in the glass. She saw nothing out of the ordinary. The corner of her mind came up again for a third time in a year and picked out what they saw. Deep dark bags under her eyes. Pale, thin, and gaunt face. Hair obviously hacked off with a knife. Life less eyes. Sitting with her shoulders slumped forward, almost as if she was trying to collapse in herself. In the glass she saw Eddie and Linda watching the group carefully, ready to come to her aid at a single moment.

She was tired. All she wanted to do was go home and go to sleep.

"I'm sure that our dear Louise can spare a few moments of her oh so busy time." Arthur said. He raised an eyebrow at Louise as if to say 'Well?'.

Louise turned her gaze back towards Arthur however she still didn't say a word.

Silence rang through the diner. The clocks ticking was clearly heard as well as the clothes ruffling against each other as the men shifted in their seats.

Arthur started drumming his fingers on the table.

"I'm sure that you would not rather stay here all night." Arthur said tensely.

Louise turned her attention back to the glass to peer outside. Her eyes scanned the sky, it looked like rain.

"For the love of..." Arthur said losing his patience. "We need you to come back."

Louise sighed as she slid out of the booth and stood.

"No." she said simply walking to the door.

"We haven't even told you anything." Arthur called after her.

"I don't need it." Louise said.

"We've allowed you to have this year for a temper tantrum." Arthur said. "That's more than enough. You are an adult so act like it."

"Leave me alone." Louise said wearily.

She heard the scrapping of metal against leather as well as the click. Metal moving against metal.

Moving quickly and with her instinct taking over Louise grabbed the knife on the table and whirling around, her fingers wrapped firmly however not too tightly around the handle, and threw it forward.

In that moment, 1.5 seconds her mind told her, in that single moment everything was lifted. The feeling of being pulled down, the weariness, tired, had vanished. Her eyes and instincts sharpened and she was able to see clearly. Everything from the dust gathering in the corner to the cracked tiles lining the ground. Adrenaline pumped through her body and her heart started to beat faster.

The knife flew through the air towards the man who had drawn his gun. Before he could even bring the gun up the knife had pierced him through his suit sleeve with enough force to push him back and pin him against the wood of the banister.

And then just like that the feeling vanished. All at once everything fell back into place. Her instincts honed down as her body shagged forward once more.

Without waiting for anything else Louise turned and walked out the door. As she walked through the town she barely registered as rain started to fall on her.
The next day Louise was pleasantly surprised and somewhat pleased that Arthur didn't approach her in the morning either at work or at her home.

Eddie met her in the kitchen as she prepared to get ready.

"So, who were those guys from yesterday?" Eddie asked in a would be casual voice.

Louise shrugged. "Just some people I used to know."

"One pointed a gun at you." Eddie recalled tensely. "And you threw a knife at him."

"Everything is alright." Louise said. "You don't need to worry."

Later in the day Louise was walking around making sure the glasses were full and the empty plates were taken to the kitchen. Suddenly when she glanced out the window she saw the same black car pull up, she swallowed a sigh.

She quickly walked to the kitchen to dispose of the dirty dishes; if she had to face him again she would rather do it with her hands free. Now everyone in the diner was able to hear the arguing voices outside.

Arthur stormed into the diner. His eyes narrowed as Louise raised her eyebrow.

"Listen to me very carefully you little brat." he said through clenched teeth. "You've caused me more than enough problems, now you're coming with me whether you like it or not."

Louise positioned her body that was both attack and defensive as Arthur started towards her. A hand grabbed Arthurs arm and pulled him back.

"What did I tell you and how many times do I have to tell you?" Francis Bonnefoy thundered. "I will not let you do anything to her against her wishes!"

Arthur wretched his arm out of Francis' grip. "This child-" Arthur began.

"This adult." Francis corrected. "She is of legal age and everything she has done ensures that she is an adult. You will respect that."

Francis then pushed Arthur to the side and turned to face Louise.

"Louise." he said warmly. "It is good to see ack-!"

She wasn't sure why she did it. Perhaps because she hadn't seen Francis in a year. Maybe because of their past together. Perhaps it was because she felt like she could never trust anyone else like she did with Francis. Wonderful, loyal, and caring Francis who still smelt of roses, sunshine, fresh air, and life. Francis who she knew her entire life.

Perhaps what made Louise run to Francis and embrace him was his display of loyalty that he had shown now. Even after a year of no contact or even knowledge of where she is he still tries to protect her as best as he can.

She didn't even realize that was moving. From the moment Francis looked at her Louise felt something inside of her collapse and made her run to him with her arms extended and wrapped them around Francis.

A warm and oh so familiar chuckle was in her ear as his arms engulfed Louise.

"I missed you too Louise." Francis murmured. He stepped back to glance over her. "You don't look too well." he said in concern as his fingers brushed against her face. Louise closed her eyes and leaned into his touch.

"As wonderful as this reunion is." Arthur said. "We do have urgent business to discuss."

Francis looked at Arthur. "She did have a contract with you however it was terminated when she turned eighteen. It would be reinstated only if she wished it would be. She was perfectly within her rights."

"And I am here to talk about reinstating that contract." Arthur said.

"Against her will." Francis injected. "Or did the meaning of 'whether you like it or not' change without me knowing?"

Arthur flushed. "I didn't mean it like that."

"Trust me; I know what you mean Arthur." Francis said his arms still around Louise protectively. "And you're not going to do it."

"We need her and her skills back." Arthur said trying to control his patience. "For the good of the country."

Louise tugged on Francis' sleeve to get his attention.

"Come to my house after work, we can talk there." she said. Her eyes slid to Arthur. "Alone."

Francis smiled once more as he hugged her tightly again. "Wouldn't dream of bringing someone else."

human au, england, fanfic, france, au, femgermany, aph

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