APH Fic Changes chapter 3

Apr 29, 2012 18:13

Title: Changes
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): England, France, China, America, Canada
Rating: T
Warnings: None, I think.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Arthur was a bored demon who stole two infant angels from heaven with the intent of turning them into demons. However he never counted on the fact that he had fallen in love with them and now he has taken the place of a parent in their lives.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” Arthur hissed back. “Now if you know what’s good for you, you will release me at once.”

Francis’ eyes narrowed and he removed one of his hands from Arthurs neck to allow it to snap forward through Arthurs side clean through.

“You know exactly what I am talking about.” Francis said as Arthur coughed up blood. “Now I know you demons are morons, that’s a given, however I will say this once and only once. Give me back. My sons.”

“And what makes you think that I will just willingly give them back to you?” Arthur asked.

“Because I will destroy you if you don’t.” Francis promised.

“I thought angels were against violence and all that is bad.” Arthur said mockingly. “What a poor angel you are.”

“When it comes to my sons I don’t care what I have to do.” Francis hissed. “I will do anything to get them back.”

Arthur chuckled lightly. “I’m afraid that it’s a bit too late for that unfortunately.”

Francis stilled. “What do you mean?”

Arthur allowed a malicious smirk to appear on his face. “I mean that it’s too late for you to have anything to do with your so called sons. They are mine now.”

“I don’t care what spell you placed on them.” Francis spat. “I’ll reverse them.”

“Then answer me this one question.” Arthur said before he leaned close and whispered “Has your magic gotten so far that it can help either reattach or regrow wings?”

Francis froze. “Yo-yo-you didn’t.” he whispered.

Arthur allowed his smirk to widen. “Oh but I did. Like I said, they are mine now.”

Francis closed his eyes and when he opened them again they had steeled over. “I don’t care.”

This time Arthur froze. “What?”

“I don’t care.” Francis repeated. “I don’t care that heaven doesn’t consider them angels anymore and they will no longer be allowed entry. They are my sons regardless and I love them. I’ll raise them here on earth; it makes no difference to me.”

Arthur growled. “I’m not giving them up to you.”

Francis eyes darkened as his hands began to glow. “You are making a very wrong enemy demon.”

“I could say the same to you.” Arthur said as his own magic caused his hands to glow.

There was an explosion of magic that once it met the entire town had been engulfed in the dirt and dust that it up roared into the sky. Dimly two figures could be made out in the sky, one with wings of pure white and the other with dark leathery wings.

Francis let out a screech, the same one the children had used earlier except this one was more practiced and honed on Arthur as well as its power and strength. Arthur momentarily covered his ears.

In that moment Francis flew at him, his hand and nails transformed into claws, another morphing angels are able to do.

Arthur barely managed to avoid the claws as he flew to the side. He momentarily caught sight of the food that he had dropped to the ground.

Cursing to himself he dived to the ground and scooped whatever he was able to in that single sweep and tucking them safely into his pockets before going back into the air and towards the forest. The shields would be able to protect him and keep the angel out.

Francis dove towards him once more. When he missed his eyes narrowed and he called his magic out.

The air around Arthur started to thin before it was twirling around him and was choking him. Clutching his throat he tucked his wings around him as a cover as he fell to the ground. The angel landed on top of him with his knee firmly lodged downwards into his ribs.

“I will hunt you down until you beg for mercy.” Francis vowed. “I have heard of you Arthur Kirkland and I don’t care. You will return my sons to me or I will kill you.”

“French.” Arthur wheezed.

Francis froze for a moment. “Pardon?”

“French.” Arthur repeated. “I finally placed your accent. You’re a French angel aren’t you?”

“And you’re a British demon.” Francis said waving his hand. “What is the point of this?”

Arthur grinned. “I always hated the French. Bunch of perverts and whores really. And so clueless that they let their guards down so much.”

Francis had a moment of confusion on his face before he realized and jumped to the side however he was unable to avoid Arthurs tail that had been flying at him completely, it had still gone through his side.

Without wasting a moment Arthur jumped up and grabbed Francis by the throat and slammed him against the ground. Before the wound healed itself he inserted his hand into the wound and deepened it.

Francis screamed as Arthur inserted more of his hand and then his arm into his body. He jerked his body in an attempt to get away however Arthur tightened his grip on Francis throat as his tail waved behind him in a menacing attempt.

“Now what were you saying?” Arthur said gleefully, the adrenaline of the fight singing in his veins. It had been too long since he was in a fight. “Something about hunting me down until I beg for mercy? Perhaps if you beg right now I’ll give you mercy.”

Francis gasped as Arthur clenched his fist around his internal organs. “Fuck. You.”

Arthur thought for a moment before a smirk and a predatory look entered his eyes. “That’s not a bad idea.”

Francis watched him silently.

“I actually haven’t had a good fucking in a while.” His free hand came to Francis’ waist and he slid one finger over the rim of his pants. “Ages actually.”

Realization came to Francis as he continued to struggle. “Let go of me!”

Arthur gripped the pants and pulled them downwards, ripping them slightly. “Why would I do that? I am going to fuck you here and now.”

Francis continued his attempt to escape. “I refuse! Sins of the flesh! Sexual intercourse is an abomination!”

Arthur laughed. “It is an enjoyment you idiotic angel.”

“It is a sin!” Francis screamed. “A sin filled with filth that you demons are made from! We pure beings shall never succumb to it!”

“You’re not being asked to succumb to it. I’m not asking you anything.” Arthur said as his hand came to the belt on his own pants and started to undo it. “I’m telling you. And right now I am telling you to simply lay here like a good little thing and let me fuck you.”

Francis let out another scream; however this one wasn’t like the other screech however it was mixed with pain and fear. Much more effective than the other screams because one fears for their lives and lets everything out.

Arthur felt his joints and bones start to break as his ear drums ripped apart. He screamed as he scrambled away and into the air once more. He was aware moments later that despite the wound that was bleeding heavily in his side the angel was following him.

Arthur cursed to himself once more as he flew as fast as he was able to towards the forest. When he passed the shields he allowed himself to stop and look up.

Francis had a look of confusion on his face as he hovered in the air. He looked around and then at the spot where Arthur had disappeared. His eyes narrowed and he continued to fly through the sky, analyzing everything that he could see.

Arthur shook his head and scoffed at the attempts as he started towards the house where the children were.
The sun was blazing on the back of Arthurs neck as he bent down to examine the make shift garden he had created.

He nodded in satisfaction at the little bits of vegetables and fruits that he planted were now growing. Combining them with his magic ensured that they grew faster and bigger than whatever pathetic methods the humans used.

He glanced upwards and noted the angel Francis was soaring around in the sky once more. It had been a month since their first encounter and he made no sign that he was giving up. Every day for hours on end he would soar through the sky hoping to see a sign of either the demon or the children.

Arthur laughed. The angel could continue this for all of eternity and he would never see so much as a single hair of the any of them.

Although it seemed that Francis wasn’t the only one looking for him Arthur mused as he glanced at the children who were happily playing in the shallow ends of the river next to the house.

He had seen signs of Yao going around and occasionally attempting to enter the forest only to be stopped by the shield. That wouldn’t have been a cause for concern if he hadn’t brought other demons with him as well.

Ah well, he thought to himself as he shrugged. Regardless of what happened from either the demons or the angel he was sure that he could take care of it.

It wasn’t until that night when he realized how wrong he was.

The day had ended and he had picked the children up to take them to the bedroom when he noticed something upwards.

The angel had always ended his search once the sun set which had been nearly thirty minutes ago however he was now flying crazily in the sky and he seemed to be arguing with someone on the ground.

And when Arthur saw cracks start to appear in the shield and parts of it start to collapse he knew exactly who Francis had been arguing with.

Cursing to himself he held the children tight to his chest and shot up into the sky. Perhaps if he got away before the shield collapsed completely he would have enough time to get away.

When he flew into the sky he allowed himself one moment to glance around to see where the enemies were.

That had been a mistake. Someone came down on him from the top and kicked him to the ground. He turned midair so that he landed on his back and the children weren’t hurt.

“Well, well, well.” Yaos voice rang out. “Look what we have here.”

Arthur ignored the way the children were crying from the surprise attack as he stood, keeping his eyes on Yao firmly.

“What the hell is this?” Arthur asked. “A surprise attack seemed to be beneath you. I guess some people get more cowardly as time passes.”

Yaos eyes fell on the crying children in Arthurs arms. “Say what you wish Kirkland, I don’t care. All I know and care about is that we are taking those children with us.”

If possible Arthur tightened his grip on the children. “The hell you’re taking the children.”

“Now this is something that I never thought I would see.” Yao said smirking lightly. “The Great Arthur Kirkland has actually bonded with another different living being and being protective. I wish I had brought a camera with me.”

Arthur snarled. “I don’t want to hurt you Yao.”

Yao glanced to the sides where the demons were standing beside him and then towards the sky where more were waiting. “I honestly don’t think that you’ll be able to do anything at this moment.” He nodded to the demons and they started forward.

Before they were able to even step a single pace forward a screech filled the air deafening all of them.

Arthur used this moment to soar into the air once more. He spotted Francis staring at him as he took in a deep breath. His gaze went to the children in Arthurs arms as his arm glowed green and shot the magic burst into the air.

A signal for the other angels to know where they were and to come and help.

Arthur quickly turned around in a circle as he felt his heart drop into his stomach. He tightened the hold on the children, there was no way out.
Surrounded by white and feathers everywhere. Arthur swallowed the bile rising in his throat. He could see Alfred and Matthew, completely and thankfully oblivious to the chaos surrounding them, in Francis’ arms.

The angels were subduing the demons, forming a protective circle around the children. When Arthur shifted lightly the angel holding him twisted his arm further into his back and wings.

“You’re not going anywhere until you get your just punishment.” the angel hissed into Arthurs ear.

“Bonnefoy.” the angel in command called stepping forward. He held his hands out. “The children.”

With no hesitation Francis put the two boys in the others hands.

The children were looked over quickly before they were handed to a separate angel.

“Kill them.” came the curt order.

“What!” Francis exclaimed as a cry came from Arthurs throat in protest.

“The children are young, too young, to have even been remotely close to a demon.” the angel said as others held Francis back. “To ensure that no corruption, however small, has been placed they need to be killed and set forth into the reincarnation cycle once more.”

“You can’t do this!” Francis yelled as he struggled to get to his sons. “Nothing has happened to them to be corrupted!”

“We need to make sure. Their souls will be purified and sent again.” the angels voice softened in an attempt to be comforting. “Once it is done we will tell you, you can create them again with their new pure souls. Against the rules of course but sometimes exceptions can be made.”

“But it won’t be them!” Francis wailed. “Look at their wings! Look! Still pure! Still white!”

“However they have been in the company of a demon.” the angel said. “Rules are rules.”

“You just said that exceptions can be made!” Francis yelled. “You just said that!”

“Not for this.” the angel said his voice firm. “Proceed.”

Francis gave a whimper as he slumped to his knees. The angels that had been holding him back now attempt to crouch beside him and comfort him. Arthurs eyes found the circle of angels around the children, dear Alfred dear Matthew, the arms were raised with white magic surrounding their hands.

Suddenly a different magic, a bright red one, cut through the air and spread. The angels fell to the ground now cradling their newly made wounds as they tried to heal themselves.

Arthur braced himself when he saw the red light going towards him however at the last possible second it curved to hit the angel holding him.

Before Arthur could process what had happened he saw Francis jump forward and scoop both of his sons into his arms, red magic still crackling around him.

Arthur didn’t bother to waste any more time. He jumped to Francis and held his hands out. “Give me one.” he demanded.

Francis hesitated as he pressed the children closer to him.

“You can’t protect both at the same time and escape while fighting back.” his back was still hurting from his attempt to do so. “I will protect one, you will protect the other, and we’ll be able to escape.”

“I have somewhere where we can be safe with stronger shields.” Francis said. “Follow me there or I will hunt you down and nothing will keep you safe.”

“I will.” Arthur swore. Francis threw him one more suspicious look before carefully placing Matthew in his hands. Arthur pressed Matthew closer to his chest as the boy gave a giggle.

“Follow me.” Francis said, his eyes still narrowed. He opened his wings and flew into the air. Arthur did the same and followed the angel as the two of them escaped from the now combination of angels and demons who were now ready to hunt them.

england, fanfic, france, au, demon, china, angel, canada, america, aph

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