APH Fic Memories chapter 2

Mar 05, 2012 23:52

Title: Memories
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemPrussia, FemGermany, MaleHungary
Rating: M for later chapters.
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Maria and Louise are sisters that are shunned from society. Daniel is a vampire that takes a liking to them and changes Maria and waits for Louise to grow up to change her. However one night she is taken by vampire hunters and her memories are erased.

Daniel, while he himself had never changed a person into a vampire, had often watched others do the transformation and he knew that when the newly turned vampire awoke they were confused and had no clue on what happened. Like little children that needed to be guided.

That being said when the transformation was complete and he saw the girl open her eyes he smiled at her.

“How are you feeling?” he asked her gently.

He was, however, not in the slightest prepared to the girl to jump at him, slam him against the wall, and place her hand tightly around his throat.

“Who the hell are you?” she hissed. “What the hell did you do?”

“Let go of me.” he hissed back at her.

She tightened her grip on his throat. “Not until you give me some answers.”

Daniel growled. He brought his hand up and with the heel of his palm he slammed it against her the side of her chest. She gasped when she felt some of her ribs crack.

She let go of Daniels neck stumbling backwards as her arm curled around her side.

“You bastard.” she wheezed. “Weren’t you ever taught never to hit a woman?”

“I was.” Daniel said massaging his neck. “However when that woman is gripping me by my neck and cutting off my airways I tend to forget those lessons.”

The girl was about to retort something when a look of horror crossed her face. She glanced slowly down at her stomach where she had been hit. A look of amazement flashed on her face as she felt her ribs realign themselves and heal on their own.

“What the hell…just happened?” she asked hoarsely.

Daniel grinned. “I am glad that you asked. Let me fill you in on a few details. You were attacked by a group of men. One coward attacked you when your back was turned and stabbed you clear through the chest and through your heart.”

The girl pressed her hand around her heart and her eyes widened when she realized that she could no longer feel its beats.

“I’m…dead?” she whispered.

“In a manner of speaking.” Daniel said shrugging.

The girl suddenly glared at him. “And who the hell are you? The Angel of Death? Well you can fuck off because I’m not going anywhere with you.”

Daniel laughed. “I am nowhere near an angel, let alone an angel of death. I am a vampire.”

The girl had a blank look on her face. “A what?”

He frowned. “You never heard of a vampire?”

She shook her head. “I never liked hearing about things that don’t exist.”

Daniel grinned showing off his teeth. “Oh I assure you my darling; vampires very well exist in this world.”

“And you…did what to me?” the girl asked.

“Well to put things simply, I turned you into a vampire.” Daniel said simply.

The girl nodded slowly. Daniel didn’t notice her hand going to the sword that was still strapped to her side until she was flying at him with it drawn; he barely found the time to move to the side where the metal of the sword embedded itself deeply in the wood of the house they were currently in.

“You changed me into a fucking vampire?” she hissed, their faces mere centimeters from one another. “Why the fuck would you do something like that, you little idiot?”

“You would have preferred that I allow you to die?” Daniel shot back bringing their faces closer.

“I’m sure you’ve seen people die before in front of you and you didn’t turn them into vampires.” she said. “What the fuck made me so special?”

“I’m not sure.” he admitted. “But there is this special tugging feeling I get whenever I look at you so I know it’s something big. Something I don’t really understand.”

“A charmer. There’s something new.” the girl sneered.

Daniel laced his hand in the back of her head, tangling his fingers within her hair, and brought their lips together in a kiss.

The girl startled lightly before she relaxed and placed her hands on his hips.

Suddenly she grabbed him through his pants and twisted hard.

Daniel immediately broke the kiss and tried to push her away, if anything she gripped harder.

“Do that again without my permission.” she said in a low voice. She twisted her hand once more, Daniel firmly refused to acknowledge the fact that he whimpered. “And I will cut this thing of yours off.”

She slowly released her grip smirking the entire time.

“Understand?” she asked.

Daniel glared at her. “Completely.”

She glanced outwards and her eyes widened when she saw the afternoon light. “How long was I out?”

“All of last night, morning, and about half of the afternoon.” Daniel answered limping towards her. “The transformation takes some time to finish.”

“Last night. Morning. And half of the afternoon.” she whispered. “Oh god, Louise!”

“Who?” Daniel asked however the girl had walked to the door.

“My little sister Louise. Because of you I left her all alone for all this time.” she snarled. “Fuck.”

“You seem to be forgetting the part that because of me you are alive.” Daniel said.

“Fuck you, my little sister needs me.” she said.

Daniel grabbed her arm and pulled her back before she could walk outside. “I don’t think so.”

The girl tried to pull her arm out of his grip. “Let me go!”

“You are a vampire now, a newborn vampire.” Daniel said. “Vampires can’t walk in the sunlight, we burn. And you especially.”

“You just expect me to wait until it becomes dark to go to my sister?” she hissed at him.

Daniel pulled his cloak off and draped it on her shoulders. “No, I expect you to cover yourself and then go to your sister. And I am coming with you.”

“The hell you are.” she said as she fixed the cloak to cover her.

“Here’s another little vampire fact for you to learn.” Daniel said. “We have one main source of food, human blood.”

The girl paused and looked up at Daniel. “What?”

“We drink. Human blood. To survive.” Daniel said slowly. “And if you go to your sister alone I am sure that you will drink from her and most likely kill her.”

Her eyes narrowed to slits. “I would never do anything to hurt her.”

“When you are thirsty and you need blood there’s no room for logical thought or what you would or wouldn’t do in a situation.” Daniel said. “I’m coming to make sure you don’t hurt your sister by accident.”

“Fine.” she spat. “Whatever.” With that she turned and left the building, making sure the cloak was covering her completely. Daniel jogged to her side after covering himself as well.

“By the way.” he said. “What’s your name?”

“Maria.” she said. “Maria Beilschmidt.”

“Maria.” he repeated. “My name is Daniel Héderváry.”

“I didn’t ask and I don’t care.” Maria said as they quickly walked on the road.

“Well you should care, considering I’m your sire and everything.” Daniel said.

“And sire is…?”

“The one who changed you and is basically in charge of taking care of the newborn until the sire deems that they are ready to live on their own.” Daniel explained.

Maria gave a brisk laugh. “I don’t need anyone’s permission to live on my own.”

“I can see that.” Daniel retorted. “However you are my responsibility and as my responsibility I will take care of you.”

“You can take your responsibility and shove it up your-” Maria stopped suddenly and breathed in deeply. “Do…do you smell that?”

Daniel lifted his face towards the sky and took a breath. “What?”

“Smoke.” Maria said. “I think I can smell smoke.”

“I smell it too now.” Daniel said. “And it seems to be coming from inside the woods.”

Maria took off into the forest as fast as she was able to with Daniel following her from behind. When she stopped suddenly he ran into her. She gave a gasp and placed her hand over her mouth as she looked in front of her.

What remained of a burnt house now stood there, the smell of the fire, wood, and stone still remained in the air. The ceiling had collapsed onto itself and the walls lay in pieces around them.

“I’m guessing that this was your home.” Daniel said dryly.

Maria gave a low moan combined with a cry as she fell to her knees. “My sister…is she….was she…”

Daniel walked to the remains and breathed in deeply as he kicked a few pieces out of his way. “I don’t smell any burnt flesh of any kind. I don’t think your sister was in here when the place was burned.”

Maria looked around them wildly. “Then where is she! Where would she go?”

“You know her better than I do.” Daniel said. He looked to the side and narrowed his eyes, he walked to where the grass had been stained. Kneeling he touched it lightly. “Blood was spilt here.”

Maria stood on shaking legs. “Blood?”

Daniel nodded. “It looks like there was a fight here, although I can’t tell whose blood it is.”

Maria turned in a circle. “There’s almost no one in this town that we, she especially because she listens to whatever I say, can go to for help. I have no idea where she might be.”

“How old is your sister?” Daniel asked.

“Five years old.” Maria whispered. “She’s everything to me.”

“And what happened to your parents?” he asked as he came to her side once more.

Maria turned around once more before she decided to go deeper into the forest with Daniel following her again. “You want the long boohoo sob story or the short version of it?”

“Short version if you please.”

“When I was about ten years old and Louise was only a few months I overheard them one night talking about how my father had lost his business and how bad things were going for them.” Maria said. She stopped for a moment and looked around before continuing forward once more. “I heard them say that they were going to sell myself to a slave market, they said that they would get a good price for me, and later if things didn’t pick up and my father didn’t make another business or something else they could always sell Louise as well. So after I heard that I gathered as much food as I was able to, one of my father’s axes, picked up Louise, and I took her away from there to live on our own. And we never looked back.”

“Some humans do terrible things to their own kin.” Daniel sighed. “The vampires truly adore their own and would never do something like that.”

Maria shrugged. “I don’t care about them. Hadn’t for a while, they are in the past and Louise is the present.”

“Such loyalty, it is almost rare to see this in a human these days.” Daniel commented. “All of them care only about themselves.”

“Like I said, Louise means everything to me.” Maria said.

Daniel noted more cut marks on the trees that they passed. “Unless they were fighting air.” he remarked. “Or your sister is somewhat of a good swordswoman.”

“Of course she is.” Maria snapped. “I taught her.”

“I’m just saying,” Daniel started to say before the wind blew towards him. He stopped and breathed it in once more. “I smell a human close by, a girl I believe.”

“Where?” Maria demanded.

“A little bit more ahead.” he said.

Maria immediately ran ahead of them. Daniel shook his head before he followed her. They entered a clearing where Maria was wildly turning around once more.

“Is she here?” she asked. “Is she?”

Daniel closed his eyes. “The scent seems to be coming from someplace combined with a tree.”

Maria growled and shouted out “Louise! Louise, are you here? Answer me!”

“Sister?” a weak voice called out.

Before Daniel could blink Maria had jumped in the direction the voice came from and was hugging a small girl to her chest tightly.

“Louise! You’re alright! You’re alright!” Maria exclaimed. “Are you hurt?”

The girl, Louise, shook her head. She was covered in practically head to toe with blood, although it was easy to tell that it wasn’t hers, dirt, mud, grass, and leaves. The poor child looked as if she had gotten no sleep and looked ready to fall at any given moment. However the smile on her face and the happiness in her eyes over clouded everything else.

“Sister! You were gone and the men from the town had came!” Louise exclaimed. “They tried to take me but I fought back and then they set our home on fire! They tried to take me again but I ran through the forest. I used the swords just like you taught me.” She nodded to the swords strapped to her side like her sisters. “And then I got here because I couldn’t run anymore! Why didn’t you come back?”

Maria hugged her sister. “I am so sorry.” she whispered. “I am so sorry. But I’m here now. I’m here and nothing is going to hurt you anymore.”

“They burned our home.” Louise said “But I got those two bags that you always said were most important.” She pulled out two bags from her hiding spot. “But what are we going to do now?”

“This is where I come in.” Daniel injected. Louise looked at him for the first time and her eyes widened and her hands came to grip her sisters clothing tighter.

“You don’t need to be afraid of me little one.” Daniel said smiling at her. “In fact I am going to help you. Like I said Maria I am your sire and I am responsible for you, that includes your sister as well. The two of you are going to come live with me.”

fanfic, au, femprussia, nyotalia, malehungary, aph, femgermany, vampire

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