APH Fic Through Time chapter 4

Aug 31, 2010 02:41

Title: Through Time
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Russia, America, RussiaxAmerica, Cold War!Russia, Cold War!America, Canada
Rating: T ...I think.
Warnings: None?
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: An Alfred and Ivan in the future who are in a loving relationship are blasted to the past during the Cold War where Alfred wakes up in Ivan of the Cold Wars bed and Ivan wakes up in Alfreds of the Cold Wars bed.

Matthew Williams was confused.

Actually he was more than confused but at that moment it was the best word he could come up with.

It had started as an ordinary day. He had gone shopping for groceries. Only that Kumajirou had for some reason got out of his arms and walked away.

And when he came back he had two kids with him.

Two kids that when they saw him cried out "Uncle Matt!" and immediately attached themselves to his legs and started to cry.

With a loss of what else to do, and secretly wondering why in the world they were calling him 'uncle', he decided to take them home.

Maybe because the both of them were wearing shorts and a t-shirt in 40 degrees weather. That and he was a complete sucker for kids.

So knowing that he might be breaking the law he took the kids home, gave them blankets, hot chocolate, and made them some pancakes to help warm them up.

When they realized that he was making pancakes they had exclaimed happily "Uncle Matts pancakes!"

They had each devoured two plates and were starting on their third when Matthew took a good look at them.

The girl looked like Alfred…except she had violet eyes.

The boy looked like Russia…except he had blue eyes and an ahoga like Alfred.

What the hell was going on?

He cleared his throat and gained the attention of the children. Somewhat. They were still focused almost entirely on the pancakes.

"Um…what are your names?" he asked.

The look on their faces nearly broke his heart.

"Uncle Matt…it's us." the girl said.

"I'm sorry…I don't know you." he said apologetically.

There was a clang from when the kids dropped their knives and forks in horror.

"Uncle Matt! It's Emily and Alex! Your niece and nephew!" the boy, Alex, cried.

Matthew shook his head. "I'm sorry but I don't remember the two of you. Who are your parents?"

Their next words almost made his heart stop "Alfred and Ivan."


Alfred was almost hyperventilating. The kids. Their kids were g-d knows where.

And there was nothing neither he nor Ivan could do anything about it.

His little girl Emily. The personification of New York. His little boy Alexander. The personification of Alaska.

The children he raised from the moment they were born alongside Ivan.

He could almost picture Ivan in his mind. The calm and maybe indifferent look on his face. Only those who knew him best could see the worry in his eyes. The tightness around his mouth. And the unspoken promise of pain that was promised to whomever would dare harm the ones he loved.

"Dorogoy I am sure that they are fine. We trained them didn't we?" Ivan repeated not only for Alfreds sake. Alfred knew that he was freaking out as much as him, if not more.


Ivan bit his lip. He went through a series of phases through his life where he did or didn't believe in g-d. When he was a child he did until the day his mother had died and for a while he didn't. As he grew up and religion became a major part of the childrens lives he once again found himself believing. The calmness of church had always soothed his nerves and filled him with peace.

The death of the Romanov family and the reign of Stalin banished any belief in a g-d. Man had only themselves to thank for their victories and themselves to blame at defeats. The entire time of the Cold War he renounced any beliefs that he had and he had carried that on for years.

Until he had realized his feelings towards Alfred.

It had started with a meaningless fling. Yes he cared about him but only as a friend. He had defended him and fought alongside him during his time of weakness that the other nations, mainly England, France, Spain, and China, had taken advantage of. When Alfred had gotten hurt he was there to bandage the wounds. When sickness spread he gave the medicine.

And so their countries alliance and their bosses became closer. Until they announced a complete alliance to the world.

That was the first night they had made love instead of merely having sex.

That was the night that he saw Alfred in a different view.

The same look was on Alfreds face. Disbelief. Hope. Love.

That was also the day he started to believe in g-d again.

He had come to know Alfred better than anyone else in the world, well maybe except Matthew. In return Alfred learned everything from Ivan about his own past.

Pain. Suffering. Natural disasters. Wars. Whatever one went through the other was right there beside him to help and heal.

Their bosses had been talking about a merging of the countries completely years ago. It had never been done but the idea had stuck. The thought that maybe they will break up never entered either one of their heads.

This was forever.

The marriage proposal. Ivan glanced at the ring on his hand. A simple gold band that held everything about them. The finality of their love.

They weren't married as America and Russia as so many believed. They were married as Ivan Braginsky and Alfred Jones.

And five years after they had said their vows came a child. A little girl with Alfreds looks and Ivans eyes. New York, Emily B. Jones they decided her name was.

And one year later another child appeared. This one had Ivans looks along with Alfreds eyes and ahoga. Alexander J. Braginsky, his name was.

Their children.

They had raised them together, with the occasional leaving for meetings with their bosses or personal things for their countries they were always together.

The kids although were a year age apart were more like twins, from the way they acted. They were almost constantly together, and they would hold hands which were just about the cutest thing ever.

If something had ever happened to them, Ivan didn't know if he could ever forgive himself for not stopping it. If they had gotten hurt the guilt will never fade. Nor the anger. And he wouldn't stop until the one who hurt them was dead. Dead after hours of being in unspeakable agony.

There is no way in heaven, hell, or earth that Ivan would allow someone to take someone he loved away from him again. He would never allow it.


Matthew was at a loss of what to do. The kids had finished their third plates and asked for more five minutes ago, who could ignore those big pleading eyes and their bottom lips sticking out innocently!

He glanced uncertainly at the kids. They claimed to be the kids of his brother and his brothers biggest enemy. He had no idea what to do.

Right now I'm playing with two ideas of the kids being reunited with Ivan and Alfred.

One Matthew brings them in confusion. Two General Winter brings them. I'll leave it up to you.

And yeah I mean General Winter. If I go that way you'll see what I have there.

america, russia, state-tan, aph, time travel, canada

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