APH Fic Differences chapter 1

Jan 06, 2012 22:55

Title: Differences
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Germany, Austria, Hungary, mentions of Prussia
Rating: T
Warnings: Vampire drinking from a human.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: His parents are dead and his brother is missing. After Ludwig has an encounter with a vampire attacking him he is rescued and adopted by the vampire hunters Roderich and Elizaveta and brought into a world he never knew. One his brother is also a part of.

Ludwig slowly walked to the window and peered through it. The snow continued to fall almost lazily regardless of the harsh find to the ground. Ludwig watched it for a few moments before he went back to the fireplace. He chose a small log from the pile and placed it in the fire. He took the poker and pushed it closer to the center.

He stared into the fire as he pushed the log gently once more. He set the poker to the side before taking his book out of his pocket. Sitting close enough to the fire to feel its warmth but not enough to get hit by any sparks he opened his book and began to read.

He continued to glance up every now and then towards the door. He sighed and placed his book to the side and stood. He walked to the door and tugged his brother’s cloak down. He tied it around him tightly and stepped outside.

Wind, snow, and cold met him immediately. Ludwig flinched lightly and drew the cloak tighter to him there wasn’t enough snow to cover anything and it seemed to melt the moment it touched something.

He didn’t move from his spot from the porch. He simply stared outwards.

‘I’ll be back tonight, West. Tomorrow tops.’

It’s been a week.

He had plenty of food, because of Gilbert’s paranoia they always had at least a months’ worth of food. He had plenty of firewood, thanks once again to his brother’s paranoia. He knew how to cook and clean and once the weather cleared he would be able to go to town.

But he was alone. Even when his parents had died he still always had his brother. Gilbert had always been next to him.

Ludwig scanned the area one more time before he sighed and went into his house. Closing the door behind him he hanged the cloak next to the door and went to the fireplace once more.

There was no reason to worry. Gilbert had probably gotten caught up running errands or he had met with some friends and lost track of time. Or maybe the weather was worse in town and he couldn’t make his way home.

For an entire week.

Ludwig shook his head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts that refused to leave him.

Gilbert was alright. He had to be. There was nothing that can stop him.

‘I’m too awesome to get hurt or anything!’

‘Remember West. Never leave the territory without me. It’s too dangerous to go alone.’

Ludwig closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He counted to ten and reopened his eyes.

‘It’s too dangerous to go alone.’

He wouldn’t go that far. Running distance to the house.

Nodding Ludwig stood and put out the fire. Next to his own cloak was his boots which he quickly slid on. Choosing his own cloak he tied it around him and stepped outside. Locking the door behind him tightly he stepped off the porch towards the town.

His footsteps gave a small crunch as his foot stepped into the ground; it was actually a comforting and familiar sound. The wind was still blowing and the snow was still falling however not as much as before. He tugged his hood on and continued forward. He would go to the church and no farther.

As he continued forward he drew his cloak more around his body and cursed himself that he hadn’t brought gloves or even a scarf.

Gilbert would either be at a tavern or the church. If not there then someone would have seen him and could tell him something.

A sound, the only sound besides his own, caught his attention. He backtracked to the alleyway he had passed and peering into it.

A man was kneeling over a woman, his head over her neck. The woman’s eyes were open however they were empty and her mouth was open with a trickle of blood coming from the corner of her mouth. Ludwig was able to hear a quiet but sure sound of slurping and drinking.

Ludwig stood there in the entrance to the alleyway almost frozen, watching the man over the woman. The man suddenly seemed to realize that he was being watched. He lifted his head and when he saw Ludwig he snarled.

Under the light of the moon that was finally peeking through the clouds Ludwig was able to clearly see the blood covering the man’s lower face and his teeth shining brightly, two front and two lower teeth were extended into fangs like an animals.

The man snarled once more before he dropped the women to the ground and started towards Ludwig.

‘Run.’ he thought. ‘Run, run, run, runrunrunrunrun.’

The man continued to approach him, his eyes looking directly into Ludwig’s. Enthralled Ludwig stared back into the man’s read eyes.

‘My brother has red eyes.’

“Are you lost little boy?” the man hissed. He bared his teeth for Ludwig to clearly see the fangs. “May I drink your blood?”

He was frozen; he couldn’t move as the man grabbed him and brought him towards his mouth. Ludwig felt the fangs against the skin on his neck.

Suddenly the man was thrown backwards against the wall, dropping Ludwig to the ground. When Ludwig looked up he saw two arrows deeply embedded into the man’s shoulders.

Someone ran past Ludwig brandishing a sword towards the man. Another person kneeled in front of Ludwig. He dimly noted the persons long light brown hair and green eyes. The person placed their hands on Ludwig’s shoulders and asked in a gentle voice “Are you okay?”

Ludwig didn’t answer; he stayed still, silent and continued to stare at the man who had attacked him.

The person who had asked him sighed almost sadly and picked him up in their arms and pressed him against their chest. A flowery smell filled him and he felt himself start to relax slightly.

Realization hit him at that moment. The man had attacked him; he was going to do something to hurt him. Ludwig gave a gasp and curled his hands around the persons coat shaking.

The person, a woman a corner of his mind said, held Ludwig tightly and hummed lightly as her companion continued to fight the man.

“It’s alright. Don’t pay attention to them.” the woman said stroking Ludwig’s head soothingly. “Everything is going to be alright.”

A sickening crunch and ripping sound filled the air. When Ludwig tried to look the woman pressed her hand on his head.

“There’s no need to look.” the woman murmured. “No need to look at all.”

“Elizaveta.” the man said walking towards them. Now Ludwig was able to see the man’s brown hair with a single strand sticking up and purple eyes behind glasses holding a blood covered sword. “Child, are you alright?”

Ludwig slowly nodded.

“Where are your parents?” the woman, Elizaveta, asked.

Ludwig closed his eyes and tightened his hold on Elizavetas coat. “They’re dead.”

“Is there anyone looking after you?” Elizaveta asked.

“My brother.” Ludwig said quietly. “But he hasn’t been home for a week.”

“Do you know where he went?” the man asked.

“He said that he was going to town to run some errands and that he’ll be back the next day.” Ludwig said. His hands started to shake. “He said he would be back the next day.”

Elizaveta brought him to her chest tightly once more. “It’s alright.” she murmured comfortingly.

Ludwig missed the pleading look Elizaveta gave towards the man.

“Please.” she mouthed.

The man hesitated as he glanced at Ludwig before he slowly shook his head, still watching Ludwig.

“What was that?” Ludwig asked suddenly. “That man. Who was that man? What was he doing?”

Elizaveta and the man hesitated. “It was nothing.” she finally said. “Nothing that will ever concern you again.”

“But I want to know.” Ludwig said with unusual stubbornness. “What was he trying to do?”

Elizaveta continued to stroke Ludwig’s head, running her fingers through his hair. “It’s not that important. You don’t need to know.”

The man stepped forward and look Ludwig from Elizavetas arms into his own. “Elizaveta get rid of the mess, including the victim.” he said. “I will take the child home.”

“Ludwig.” Ludwig said. “My name is Ludwig.”

Elizaveta smiled and brushed her thumb against Ludwig’s forehead before she turned to where the now dead man. She threw one more look towards the man that Ludwig didn’t understand before the man started away.

“Where do you live?” he asked.

“A bit out of the town.” Ludwig said. “A house near the forest.”

The man nodded as he shifted Ludwig slightly in his arms. “I know the place.”

Before Ludwig could continue his questioning the man said “You said your parents are dead, correct? And your brother has not been to your home for a week, yes?”

Ludwig slowly nodded.

The man sighed and said “Please forgive me for saying this however, I don’t think your brother will be returning. If he had been able to come home by now he would have or he would have sent a message.”

Ludwig felt his eyes start to tear over. “He’s coming home.” he whispered. “Brother has to.”

The man smiled tenderly and shifted Ludwig so that he was tucked into the man’s neck. “You are still a child and you need someone to take care of you. How old are you Ludwig?”

“Six.” Ludwig said bringing the back of his hand across his eyes.

The man nodded. “That is your house, correct?”

Ludwig glanced up and nodded. “Yeah, it is. And it doesn’t look like brother came home yet.”

The man looked thoughtful for a moment. “Tell me, do you have enough food to last you for a few days?”

Ludwig nodded.

“Alright then.” They had reached Ludwig’s house and the man placed him on the porch. “Listen to what I say now. You are still a child and you can’t be left alone for an extended amount of time. Three days. Wait for your brother to return for three more days.”

“And then what?” Ludwig asked.

“And then if he hasn’t returned go to the church.” the man said. “Go to the pastor and ask him to find Roderich Edelstein or Elizaveta Edelstein. Either one of us or even both of us. And after that Elizaveta and I will adopt you.”

“Adopt me?” Ludwig repeated.

Roderich nodded once more. “Elizaveta has taken quite a liking to you and knowing her she will attempt to kill me if I don’t tell you this. And after she kills me she will come to find you herself. If your brother does not come we will take care of you. I myself wish for a child and we are more than happy to become your parents.”

Roderich leaned forward and said “We will even tell you what had happened tonight and why it had happened.”

Ludwig’s eyes widened as Roderich drew back and fixed his vest and smoothed back his hair. He smiled down at Ludwig and reached down to pet him once.

“Have a good night Ludwig.” Roderich said. “And for your sake I hope your brother does return.”

“Good night Mr. Edelstein.” Ludwig said.

Roderich nodded in approval. “Whoever your brother is at least he has taught you proper manners. May the spirits of your ancestors watch over and bless you child.”

Before Ludwig could ask what he had meant Roderich had turned and quickly left.

Ludwig watched until he could no longer see Roderich before he turned and walked back into his house. He absentmindly slid off his cloak and boots and placed them back into their original places before he went to the fireplace and once more started a fire. It took a few minutes however soon the fire was burning and its warmth quickly engulfed the room.

“Wait for your brother to return for three more days. And then if he hasn’t returned go to the church.”

“And after that Elizaveta and I will adopt you.”

Ludwig sat back and watched the fire burn and sighed. He turned to the window once more.

“Brother.” he whispered. “I honestly do hope you’re okay. But I also want to know. You always said that I was smart for my age. And now I know there is something else out there. I want to know what it is. And what I meant for.”

fanfic, au, prussia, austria, hungary, aph, vampire, germany

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