APH Fic Memories chapter 1

Dec 12, 2011 00:11

Title: Memories
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): FemPrussia, FemGermany, MaleHungary
Rating: M for later chapters.
Warnings: None for this chapter.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Maria and Louise are sisters that are shunned from society. Daniel is a vampire that takes a liking to them and changes Maria and waits for Louise to grow up to change her. However one night she is taken by vampire hunters and her memories are erased.

She was a sight to behold really. The way she walked and exhibited confidence with every step in contrast to the women who seemed to shrink with each step they took.

Her looks also made her stand out. Among the dark haired girls her silver hair stood out completely. Instead of a proper bun she allowed her hair to fall free to the floor. Her eyes were as red as the blood he drank and missed nothing as they glanced around.

Daniel watched her every movement from the shadows with ease. This girl was different from the others, evident in practically everything she did. Enticing and entrapping him, like a spider capturing a fly in their web.

She was walking in the shadows, eyes coming to a rest on every person that passed her. She wasn’t even wearing a dress as all the women had to. She was wearing pants and a shirt tucked into them along with boots. A long overcoat covered her however when she walked forward Daniel was able to see a shine of metal. Two thin and long metal swords were tied to her waist.

He could hear her heart beating heavily in her chest. Her breaths were labored and deep, attempted to be measured and calm. The girl was afraid of something.

Every loud noise seemed to startle her, as she brought her head up towards the direction of each noise. Finally she bared her teeth in both annoyance and anger.

“I’m not afraid of you bastards.” she hissed. “I am not afraid.”

Daniel watched her from the rooftops. He licked his lips as his fangs lengthened over his lips and his eyes narrowed.

This girl’s blood would be wild. It would be fire running through his body, almost giving an illusion to having a beating heart and life once more.

The question wasn’t whether or not he would drink her blood, he would either way. The real question was whether or not he should turn the girl as well and let her join his ranks.

Perhaps further watching and a test would be in order. He could wait. Being a vampire ensured that he would be able to wait for the things he wanted.

A curse and a yell reached his ears. He looked down once more to see the girl had been attacked by a group of men.

“Heathen!” one of the men yelled. “Whore!”

“Fuck you!” the girl screamed. She drew her swords from her sides and began to block and attack.

Her moves were fast and precise for a human woman. He knew that women in the human realm were put down and never offered a chance to learn so she either had to learn on her own by watching others or had managed to find a teacher who would accept a girl.

Daniel didn’t want to blink in fear of missing something. He watched with eager eyes as she cut down the men attacking her.

“Little slut!” one of them yelled as they swung his sword towards her.

In an answer the girl had raised her sheath that held the swords and used it to block the man’s attack before using her own sword and attacking.

She was able and not afraid to fight. Her eyes were clear and the words were clearer, she wasn’t afraid to kill them. She was beautiful and captivating.

It was decided. He was going to have her.

Once she finished attacking he would approach her and place her under his trance where he would then for the night take refuge in an abandoned house he had found so the change would easily and undisturbed happen.

Movement caught his eye and they widened. A man was coming up from her behind with a thick and sharp dagger in his hand. Before he could announce to the girl the man’s presence the man had jumped and buried his dagger deep with the left side of the girls back.

The girl gave a choked sound, muffled by the surprise and blood in her mouth. The dagger was long enough that the tip had emerged from the other side. Daniel could hear her heart clutch around the dagger slightly as it gave its feeble beats.

She fell to her knees as the swords slipped out from her hands and fell to her side whimpering slightly.

Daniel growled as he jumped from the rooftop and landed gracefully on his feet in front of the men.

“Cowards who attack when the back is turned.” Daniel growled. “Deserve only to die a most pitiful death.”

With a blast of magic and sound of skin being ripped and blood falling to the ground the men fell dead. The girl was too far gone into the pain and almost death to realize what was happening.

Daniel turned her so that she was on her back looking up at the stars and sky. Her eyes were clouded over and there was a trickle of blood coming from the corner of her mouth.

Daniel smiled at her and brushed her hair; her beautiful, long, soft, silver hair, away from her neck. His fangs fully extended her reached down and bit her on the side of her neck.

Blood filled his mouth and he gave a moan. It was just as delicious, just as full or life and fire as he had thought it would have been. He swallowed eagerly and greedily as he continued to drink.

When her heart had stopped enough he tilted his head and his fangs inside of her and breathed out as he extracted the venom from him and pushed it into her.

The girl gave a mixture of a sigh and a whimper.

“Sister.” she whispered before she closed her eyes and gave into the unconsciousness and allowed her body to start to change.
Louise was awakened by a loud noise. As she sat up in her bed on her side the blanket covering her fell of her slightly. Her hand curled on her sword that she was sleeping next to.

“Sister?” she whispered.

There was no answer. Even if it was her sister she wouldn’t have been able to hear Louises whisper.

Louise crawled out of the makeshift bed, her nightgown muffling her knees as she crawled. She peeked around the corner and her eyes widened.

Men. Men had entered the house she lived with sister. Something that sister had always told her was that if men had entered their house they were uninvited and if sister wasn’t home then Louise was to get out of the house immediately.

Without wasting another moment Louise jumped to her feet as silently as she was able to she grabbed the two bags that were leaning against the door as well as her sword before she moved the closet that was also against the wall. She crawled through the hole in the wall that the closet hid and was almost immediately outside.

Men surrounded the house however she had the advantage. She knew this land as well as her sister and the men didn’t. She was able to maneuver through the dark.

“The brat escaped! Find her! Capture her!” she heard one of the men scream.

Louise ran through the forest, her nightgown brushing against the dirt of the ground and being scratched. When light had suddenly came from the direction she had come from she couldn’t help but turn back to take a glance.

Fire. The men had set her and her sisters home on fire.

“There she is!” she heard another man yell.

No time to run. To time to hide. Nowhere to hide.

Louise shifted the bags so that they were in one hand and with her other one she drew her sword.

The five year old crouched low to the ground and growled as she prepared to attack.

fanfic, malehungary, au, femgermany, femprussia

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