APH Fic Circus chapter 2

Dec 04, 2011 14:43

Title: Circus
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Eventual Germancest, France, N. Italy, S. Italy, Spain, America, Canada
Rating: T
Warnings: None for now.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary: Gilbert, a new performer at the circus with a little secret etched into his back. Ludwig, a long time performer who is half snake.

The six of them entered the dining tent which was already half full and brimming of noise of all kind.

Antonio tugged Lovino and Feliciano to the side. “This way.” He led the way to where the dishes were stocked and the circus members were giving out food.

After getting their portions they sat at an empty table. Almost immediately a pair of hands came onto the table.

“Hello Alfred.” Francis said. “How may we help you and why have you decided to grace our presence with your wonderfully toned chest?”

Alfred grinned and true to Francis’ word he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Dark and ugly scars littered his skin. “Smelt some new people and decided to introduce myself. Alfred F. Jones, call me Alfred or al, and I’m the resident wolf man of this circus.”

“Wolf man?” Lovino asked.

Alfred nodded. “Half man, half wolf. Can turn into a wolf and back at will.”

“Alfred stop showing off.” a new voice said. Another man joined Alfred, excluding a curl in the hair and its length and the eye color he was the spitting image of Alfred.

“This here is Matthew, call him matt will you, my brother.” Alfred said.

“I’m sorry my idiot brother is annoying you.” matt said. “May we join you for dinner?”

At their nods both Alfred and Matthew sat down.

“Now since you guys are new here, I’ll tell you about the other performers.” Alfred said as he ate.

He swallowed the food in his mouth as he said “First off is Natalia. She’s really hot and almost completely insane.” As he said the last word he brought a hand up and caught a knife that was going towards his head. “She’s also out resident knife thrower so I would be careful of what you say about her if I was you.”

He threw the knife onto the table-“I’ll give it back to her later.”-and continued. “Then there is a guy named Feliks. When you meet him keep reminding yourself that he’s a guy. It’s hard to believe but the truth.”

“Then there is Ekaterina, who is actually Natalia’s sister, and she’s the camp medic. Complete crybaby. ” at this he caught another knife. “But otherwise she’s alright. =”

“Then we have the acrobats, we need some regular performers as well. There’s Kiku who is really quiet and nice but you don’t want to make him mad. Im Yong Soo who always acts a bit crazy. Viet, I don’t know that much about her actually. And Mei who is really nice and quiet but deadly.”

“Vash and Lilli are siblings.” Alfred continued. “Lilli is nice enough but Vash is insane and, I don’t joke about this, he will kill you. He’s also very protective over Lilli. They are the camps guards.”

“There’s Roderich who is in charge of when we do shows he makes the stage, although he would rather be in charge of music or something like that. I don’t really listen.” Alfred continued. He brought his hand to the back of his head. “Pretty sure that I’m forgetting people.”

“Arthur, Yao, Elizaveta, Ivan, and peter.” Ludwig suddenly said, contributing to the conversation for the first time.

“Ah that’s right, thanks.” Alfred said nodding. “Arthur and Yao go together, they created this circus together. They run things, take care of finances, get the supplies, find the people and bring them here. They are also our main protectors.”

“Elizaveta…it’s hard to tell what her main thing is. She performs occasionally. She also is the camps main hunter, she leads the hunting parties that bring back meat and she is a killer with the arrow and she isn’t afraid to hurt someone.”

“Ivan…again I don’t really know what he is or what he does.” Alfred said. “All I know is that he is very crazy and its best if you just stay away from him.” He ducked then as five knives and a sword embedded themselves into the wood where his head had been. “He’s also Natalia’s older brother.”

“Last but not least is peter.” Alfred said as he took his seat once more. “I don’t see him here but you’ll meet him soon. He is easily the youngest here and I am not kidding you when I say he’s magic.”

Lovino snorted at that.

Alfred grinned. “Like I said, I’m not kidding. We’ve all seen him work and perform actual spells and curses. And they are real.”

“My head is spinning.” Feliciano said.

Alfreds grin widened. “It’s hard in the beginning for everyone but in about a month or two you’ll know everyone here including what they can do, what their regular jobs are, if they perform what is that they do, and which tent is theirs. And I know that I forgot a lot of other people but you’ll meet them sooner or later too.”
“Alright remember Gilbert.” Antonio said. “Your rooming with Ludwig so follow him to the tent.”

Gilbert managed a weak smile and a nod. He said his goodnights to the trio before trailing after Ludwig.

When they were a short distance away Ludwig stopped and turned to face filbert.

“I thought I told you to keep that bird in your pocket safe.” Ludwig said.

Gilbert started slightly as he brought his shoulders back. “What the hell are you talking about?”

Ludwig brought his hand up and opened it. There sitting in his palm was a small yellow bird.

“Gilbird!” Gilbert exclaimed snatching the chick and looking him over for injuries.

“The only reason he’s not being digested is because I saw my snake about to eat it.” Ludwig said. “Next time it might not be as fortunate. Keep a closer eye on it.”

He then turned and continued to walk. He stopped outside of a black tent and entered it. After hesitating for a moment Gilbert followed after him.

He opened the tent flap and slid inside. Only to be blasted with a wave of intense heat.

Ludwig was kneeling in front of their stove and fireplace and was inspecting the fire. After he nodded he added one small log before he turned back to Gilbert.

“Your side if the left.” Ludwig said nodding to the empty cot. “The entire left side of the tent is yours to decorate however keep in mind that this is a tent. Tomorrow I’ll take you to Berwald for boxes to hold your belongings.”

“Berwald?” Gilbert asked as he placed his pack and the clothes Francis had given to him on the bed.

“Berwald creates practically everything here. He is very good with his hands.” Ludwig said. “You’ll meet and get to know everyone here. Questions?”

Gilbert focused on the folding his new clothes. “What’s up with the fire? None of the others have this hot of a tent.”

Ludwig spread his arms to show his scales. “I am half snake. Snakes cannot live in cold places and therefore the tent constantly needs to be warm.” Ludwig said. He licked his lips again and smirked. “You yourself seem to be a bit different.”

Gilbert tensed up once more waiting for the inevitable questions. When they didn’t come however he glanced at the other man to see his solid blue eyes focused entirely on him.

“How did you end up here?” Gilbert asked.

The corners of Ludwig’s lips rose once more. “That is a bit of a personal question, yes? How about this for personal questions? An answer for an answer. If one of us asks the other for a personal answer the one who asked must answer the same question. Now what is your question?”

“You have any siblings?” Gilbert asked instead.

“Thought so.” Ludwig said. “And as far as I know I am an only child. At least I consider myself as such.”

Gilbert didn’t take the bated answer. “Do you perform?”

Ludwig nodded. “It is something that I enjoy. And to answer your next question, no. We do not force you to perform so that if you don’t wish to you don’t need to. You just need to help the ones who do.”

Gilbert was about to ask another question when movement caught his eye. The giant snake from before was slithering its way into the tent and curled around Ludwigs bare feet before it settled on his lap once more. Gilbert gave a small shiver.

“You’re not afraid of snakes are you?” Ludwig asked catching the shiver.

“I’m not afraid.” Gilbert said turning back to the pile on his bed. “I just don’t like them is all.”

Ludwig shrugged as he slid his hand over the snake. “This one is really special to me. It’s my oldest friend.”

“I was told that you’re a performer.” Gilbert said. “What exactly do you have to do?”

“We perform.” Ludwig said simply. “For the humans they show their talents. For us who are different we show what we can do. Everything is to scare the audience and to show, in their words, the freakiness that can exist in this world alongside them.”

“So you voluntarily put yourselves as side show freaks.” Gilbert said. “Nice.”

The corners of Ludwigs lips rose once more. “I suppose that is one way to look at it. I suggest you get some sleep Gilbert.” Gilbert was sure that the way his name rolled from Ludwigs lips caused a shiver to go down his spine. “Tomorrow is your first day and you will need the rest.”

Gilbert still wasn’t looking at him as he nodded. He placed his pack on the ground and the clothes on top of the pack.

“No one here steals from the others.” Ludwig said. From the movements Gilbert was able to make out Ludwig was now lying on his bed and looking for a comfortable position to fall asleep. “And even if they did they would never get that far. You don’t need to worry about your belongings here.”

“Thanks.” Gilbert said. He lay on his own bed and placed Gilbird next to him.

“Sleep well. Gilbert.” Ludwig said.

fanfic, italy, au, canada, prussia, romano, america, spain, aph, germany

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