APH Fic Vampir chapter 8

Nov 10, 2011 22:00

Title: Vampir
Author/Artist: Me!
Character(s) or Pairing(s): Prussia, Austria, Hungary, Germany, N. Italy, S. Italy
Rating: T on the safe side.
Warnings: Um...brothers kinda kissing. It's not real kissing but it is transfering something mouth to mouth so...take that as you will. But I don't mean for this to be Germancest.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Summary:The German family has kept a secret from all the other nations dating back to their sire Germania. The secret? They are vampires.

Germany glanced at Prussia and Austria and mentally laughed. The way they were dressed, where and how they were, and how they were acting, it was all out of a movie.

Austria was even wearing a cape.

“I am hoping that this night you shall act like a mature adult and one who is on a mission to protect the ones that he somewhat cares for?” Austria asked, pushing his glasses up towards his face once more.

Prussia snorted. “Don’t count on it specks. I’m here only for the shits and giggles.”

Germany bit his lip in an effort to keep the laughter in, after hearing the two bicker nonstop for the past few weeks the laughter was starting to build up in him.

Looks like there was more of Prussias personality in him than one thought.

A new scent hit his nose suddenly. It held the familiar scent of vampires however the unfamiliar person.

“They’re here.” Germany hissed. Immediately Prussia and Austria fell silent from their fighting and crouched low to the ground with Germany.

“Remember.” Austria said. “We need to apprehend them, killing them is not out of the question either.”

Prussia rolled his eyes. “We’re nations and vampires, I think we can handle these weak little vampires.”
“I can’t believe that we got our asses kicked by those weak little vampires.” Prussia fumed as Germany was cleaning out the wound on his cheek. “I mean I can understand Austria, he’s a pussy ass wimp, but us?”

“In case you have forgotten in the period of ten minutes I am right here.” Austria said, as he unrolled a measure of tape.

“Tell someone who-West that stings!-actually gives a rats ass.” Prussia said.

“I have to agree with Prussia here Austria.” Germany said. “It is somewhat a wound to the pride when vampires and nations are beaten by simple vampires.”

“I am not saying that it is not a wound to the pride.” Austria sniffed. “However it was mere luck on their part.”

“Yeah luck on their part.” Prussia said. “Every eighty punches on me was a lucky one. Every ninety punch on you was a lucky one. And how many punches landed on you West until you collapsed?”

“I lost count around one hundred and twenty however they were also using magic.”

Prussia groaned as he stood. “My pride is wounded. Beer is needed to bring it back to health. Lots of beer.”
Italy was glaring, actually it looked more cute than intimidating or angry however it was an attempt on his part.

“Why are you hurt?” he asked.

Germany smiled at him. “My brother and I were sparing as vampires, things out a bit out of control.”

Italy squinted his eyes as he crawled closer to Germany who was sitting on the bed and pulled at the bandages that Prussia had placed, for all it looked it simply seemed that he had placed a cloth there and then placed tape over it to keep it in place. Italy peeled it back to look at the wounds on Germany.

“You don’t need to worry, they are healing.” Germany assured him.

True to his word the wounds were slowly healing in front of their eyes. Italy looked far from assured however.

“They aren’t healing like their supposed to.” he said. “Fast and gone. What kind of wounds are these?”

“Venom filled ones.” Germany answered. “They don’t heal like normal wounds for us. Takes a bit more time.”

“Would you heal faster if you drank blood?” Italy asked.

Without thinking Germany nodded his head. Upon realizing his mistake he quickly shook his head. “No.”

“Liar.” Italy said as he climbed closer to Germany. “Now drink.”

“There is no need to. They will heal by the morning.” Germany protested.

“I told you, I am going to offer you blood whenever you need it and you need it right now.” Italy said with uncharacterized sternness. “Now either drink from my neck or I will have to cut a vein again.”
Hungary was breathing heavily as the lightheadedness descended on her. Her heart was beating quickly and a hot desire was rising in her. Every time, every single time, either Prussia or Austria would drink from her a strange sense of desire rose in her.

And when Prussia and Austria were doing it at the same time the sensations were doubled.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to not look at either Prussia or Austria who were biting into her arms.

She gave an almost sigh of relief as they finally pulled their fangs from her and she leaned against the couch they were sitting on.

“Are you alright?” Austria asked kindly as he brushed her bangs away from her forehead. Prussia had left the room and returned with a glass of orange juice which Hungary accepted gratefully.

“Thanks.” she said to the both of them.

She didn’t notice however the glare that Austria and Prussia were glaring at one another as she sipped from the glass.
“Where the hell are they running?” Prussia snarled. Neither Germany nor Austria answered as they leaped from the building and continued to follow the men.

“They are most definitely running out of the country.” Austria panted. He was not used to the strenuous activity.

Germany allowed his eyesight to extend farther. One of the vampires sniffed the air and gestured with his head towards a direction Germany knew quite well.

“Italy.” he suddenly said, stricken. “They know Italy and I are close. They’re going to him.”
Italy started slightly when a group of men had landed in front of him and his brother. He gripped his brothers arm who in turn narrowed his eyes and demanded “Who the hell are you and what the fuck do you want?”

When the men smiled the brothers were able to see their fangs glistening in the moonlight and streetlamps.

“Vampires.” Italy said quietly.

“What?” his brother asked. “There’s no such thing.”

Prussia appeared then along with Germany and Austria.

“Get the hell out of here you two!” he yelled.

“What the hell is going on?” Romano screeched. Italy clutched to his brother tightly.

The vampire looked to where Italy was standing and smiled suddenly.

“No!” Germany snarled however he was too slow. In front of his horrified eyes the vampire had managed to attack Italy. A long cut stemming from his chest down to his stomach appeared causing blood to rush out.

Italy made a choking noise before he fell to his knees to the ground, his hands pressing against the sudden wound.

“Veneziano!” Romano yelled. Germany and Prussia were by his side within seconds.

“Italy.” Germany whispered, his hands shaking as he pressed them to Italy and helped him sit up. Italy whimpered in return.

Red. The entire world was painted in red.

Italy whimpered once more.

Anger and frustration ran through Germany. Hatred and a desire for revenge.

The red that had painted the world would only be matched by the blood of the vampires that had dared to hurt his Italy.

He could feel his entire body shake. His fangs ached with the desire to stretch forward and pierce through soft skin. He could practically feel his vampire half begging to be let out. Let out and destroy the ones that dared to hurt his mate.

Breathing heavily Germany started to allow himself to fall to his vampire self.

fanfic, italy, prussia, austria, romano, hungary, aph, vampire, germany

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